Year: 2015

  • Campus & Community

    The fight for equality in education

    A Your Harvard gathering in Atlanta probed the ways in which the nation’s educational system has fallen short in promoting equality in learning.

  • Nation & World

    Lessons from Lessig

    Lawrence Lessig speaks candidly about his failed presidential bid, in which he spotlighted the importance of campaign finance reform.

  • Health

    Patterns of obesity prove resilient

    The Harvard Chan School’s Walter Willett discusses recent findings on obesity, blood pressure, and smoking.

  • Campus & Community

    Student scholars, with dreams aplenty

    Five Harvard students are among the 32 Americans headed to Oxford as Rhodes Scholars. Their interests are diverse, but one thing Neil Alacha, Grace Huckins, Rivka Hyland, Garrett Lam, and Hassaan Shahawy share is a desire to leave a lasting, positive impact on the world.

  • Nation & World

    The plight of the Roma

    At Harvard Law School, human rights activists delved into legal ways to fight discrimination against Europe’s largest ethnic minority.

  • Nation & World

    Justice for all

    Chase Strangio, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, discussed the efforts to protect gay and transgender prison inmates, who are often the target of violence and sexual assault.

  • Campus & Community

    A moment for gratitude

    Staff members from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences gathered at University Hall to see friends, enjoy cider and cookies, and write notes to co-workers, in the annual Giving Thanks open house.

  • Campus & Community

    Ann Blair named University Professor

    Historian Ann Blair has been named a University Professor, Harvard’s highest faculty honor. She will become the Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor.

  • Health

    Shedding light on dark adventures

    Robert Ballard, director of the University of Rhode Island’s Center for Ocean Exploration and president of the nonprofit Ocean Exploration Trust, returned to the roots of his love affair with the sea, notably an early reading of “Twenty Thousand Leagues” and a childhood move to San Diego.

  • Arts & Culture

    Violence in streets, hope in the data

    While the daily news conveys a world beset by horrific acts of terrorism, brutal civil war, and frequent mass shootings, Professor Steven Pinker brought a hopeful message to a talk at Emerson Hall, saying global violence is actually in decline.

  • Campus & Community

    A national wave hits Harvard

    Issues of race and inclusion prompted fresh discussion across the University last week, and police probed an act of vandalism at the Law School.

  • Health

    An indictment of Ebola response

    An independent group of 20 international experts has issued a scathing analysis of the global response to the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

  • Campus & Community

    Five from Harvard are Rhodes Scholars

    Five students from the Class of 2016 were named Rhodes Scholars on Saturday, and will begin their studies at Oxford next October.

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty Council meeting held Nov. 18

    On Nov. 18 the members of the Faculty Council approved the Harvard Summer School course list for 2016. They also heard a report on the legislated review of the Ph.D. program in Film and Visual Studies and a report on student diversity. Finally, they discussed proposed reforms to the General Education program.

  • Nation & World

    For law students, a cautionary tale

    The Law School hosted Victor Rosario and his attorneys for a discussion examining his wrongful conviction.

  • Nation & World

    Deeper crisis

    Professors Jacqueline Bhabha and Michael Ignatieff talked about the Syrian refugee crisis in the wake of the Paris attacks in an event sponsored by the Mahindra Humanities Center.

  • Arts & Culture

    At 81, her first solo show at home

    With her first solo Boston show on view at the Carpenter Center, Lorraine O’Grady, 81, explains her art and influences during an address at the Harvard Art Museums.

  • Nation & World

    Crossing a line

    Former New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse spoke at Harvard about the boundaries between journalism and citizenship and why she has crossed that line more than once.

  • Nation & World

    For French scholar, hope survives terror

    The French scholar Patrick Weil visited the Law School to give a talk titled “After the Paris Attacks: What Is the Future for French Society?”

  • Arts & Culture

    The pop in Corita Kent

    A mayoral proclamation, a Harvard Art Museums exhibit, and a StoryCorps project all salute Corita Kent, Boston’s pop art icon.

  • Nation & World

    Reforming criminal justice

    A new program at Harvard Law School aims to help reform the criminal justice system in the United States with assistance from Harvard students and faculty, says executive director Larry Schwartztol.

  • Nation & World

    Religion is changing, fellowship too

    Two Harvard Divinity School students uncover a new sense of community for millennials who choose a different way to “worship.”

  • Campus & Community

    Seeing through others’ eyes

    In a question-and-answer session, Jonathan L. Walton, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, discusses Harvard College’s approaches to diversity, makes recommendations, and reaffirms the College’s priorities to foster a culture of inclusion.

  • Campus & Community

    Pedro, a pitcher with ‘no space to fail’

    Former Boston Red Sox pitching great Pedro Martinez spoke with Professor Michael Sandel Tuesday about his illustrious 18-year career.

  • Arts & Culture

    Life in a cabaret

    Harvard’s Cabaret, a collaboration between graduate students at the A.R.T. Institute and Harvard undergrads, mixes song, dance, mischief, and monologue.

  • Campus & Community

    Less football than life

    As The Game approaches, Harvard football is looking for success. But coach Tim Murphy is also preparing his graduating seniors for success in life.

  • Science & Tech

    A focus on fairness

    Using a simple game in which candy is distributed between two players, researchers found that children in various countries were quick to reject unfair deals, but in three countries they were also willing to reject deals unfair to others.

  • Science & Tech

    Optimism on U.N. climate talks

    Panelists at the Kennedy School on Monday expressed optimism about the U.N. climate conference set to begin in Paris on Nov. 30, calling U.S. participation on the heels of domestic climate-related moves a “game-changer.”

  • Arts & Culture

    Along China’s keys

    On view at Loeb Music Library through Dec. 18, “One Hundred Years of Chinese Piano Music” sheds light on a robust tradition of song influenced by native folklore, poems, and philosophy, as well as Western compositional techniques.

  • Science & Tech

    The rule-breaker

    Speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum, architect Frank Gehry reflected on half a century of creating surprises.