Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • A question of balance

    At Harvard Law School on Friday, a panel of four leading legal scholars examined a single question: Is there a lack of intellectual diversity at law schools?

  • A thirst for justice delayed

    Researchers with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative are surveying Cambodian attitudes toward a tribunal prosecuting leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime, which engineered the killings of an estimated quarter of the nation’s population, the worst mass murders since World War II.

  • The world as sacred

    The first conference on African diasporic religions offered spiritual lessons from the continent that helped to create humankind, including a reminder that the body itself is a sacred space.

  • ‘Sisterhood of the traveling pantsuit’

    This week, Harvard Business School celebrated 50 years of women in its M.B.A. program with a summit that drew hundreds of the School’s female graduates to campus. But as a new alumni survey demonstrates — and as speakers like “Lean In” author Sheryl Sandberg acknowledged — women still have a long way to go to in the working world.

  • On spirituality at Harvard

    Harvard President Drew Faust and Divinity School Dean David N. Hempton discuss the role of religious studies and spiritual life in the 21st century — at Harvard and beyond.

  • A path out of violence

    Facing the drawdown of U.S. forces and the run-up to next year’s presidential election, Afghanistan has reached a critical moment in its troubled history.

  • Lessons of a temporary city

    The Maha Kumbh Mela, India’s massive gathering of Hindu pilgrims, ended in March. But for Harvard researchers across disciplines, the festival and the tent city it spawned continue to yield lessons in everything from big data to urban planning.

  • Invading Inner Mongolia’s painful past

    Harvard graduate student Sakura Christmas is drawn to a tumultuous time in the history of northern China, when invasion, migration, and culture change altered the lives of traditional people forever.

  • Something in a name

    Author James Carroll and Harvard Divinity School professor Francis Clooney explored the significance of the Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio’s selection as pope, the potential challenges he faces as the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, and the direction for the church in the years and decades to come.

  • A case for yawn-free civics

    A group of experts dedicated to grappling with the themes outlined in the Constitution gathered for an afternoon panel discussion at Harvard Law School to explore the importance of civics education.

  • Where corporations, public meet

    After six years of work, Harvard Kennedy School Professor John Ruggie has developed United Nations-approved guidelines to ensure businesses respect the human rights of those they interact with around the world.

  • From Hong Kong to South Korea

    During a historic visit to Hong Kong and South Korea, Harvard President Drew Faust presided over an array of academic activities and alumni events.

  • A taste of Harvard in Shanghai

    Harvard Center Shanghai provides programming support, local expertise, and meeting space for Harvard researchers, students, and alumni in one of the world’s most dynamic cities.

  • Reading the president’s mind

    Jon Favreau, who recently stepped down after several years as President Obama’s head speechwriter, took a Harvard Kennedy School audience on a behind-the-scenes tour of the president’s best-known addresses.

  • The human toll of war

    Members of human rights organizations gathered at Harvard Law School to reflect on the lasting impact of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • A Harvard bridge to Japan

    Carl Kay, president of the Harvard Club of Japan, reflects on a career in which his undergraduate concentration in Japanese studies led to a business helping U.S. companies gain a foothold in Japan.

  • Admissions, beyond a single test

    Inspired by Harvard College, Trinity College Dublin will pilot a holistic model for admissions.

  • More opportunities for women

    Speaking in South Korea at the conclusion of a five-day visit to Asia, Harvard President Drew Faust urged greater educational opportunities for women.

  • Creator of skyscrapers

    Harvard College and Graduate School of Design alumnus Paul Tange is changing skylines across Asia through the work of his Tokyo-based architecture firm, Tange Associates.

  • China’s stability during war, revolution, and unrest

    Daniel Koss, a doctoral student in Harvard’s Government Department, has spent nearly a year in China, studying how such a large, diverse nation could remain intact through decades of warfare, revolution, and unrest, and emerge to wield growing influence on the global stage.

  • Harvard’s hand in shaping education

    Opening a weeklong visit to Asia, Harvard President Drew Faust on Monday called knowledge “the most important currency of the 21st century,” highlighting faculty research, student engagement, and online learning as central to Harvard’s global strategy.

  • A focus on violence

    During remarks at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Marian Wright Edelman, president and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, addressed ways to combat violence in schools.

  • A wild Rose in bloom

    Former dropout and wild child L. Todd Rose, an unconventional learner, is blazing new trails at the Ed School and has written a book about his journey, called “Square Peg.”

  • Stability amid revolution

    Daniel Koss, a doctoral student in Harvard’s Government Department, has spent nearly a year in China, studying how such a large, diverse nation could remain intact through decades of warfare, revolution, and unrest, and emerge to wield growing influence on the global stage.

  • A new face at the Vatican

    After Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected pope on Wednesday, Harvard analysts weighed in on what his selection, as the Vatican’s first Jesuit and first South American leader, could mean for the future of the Roman Catholic Church.

  • Dynamic Africa

    The fourth annual Harvard African Development Conference drew experts from across disciplines and the world for a snapshot of innovation in “the continent of the future.”

  • A postwar call to service

    : The United States must do more to help its newest generation of veterans reintegrate by capitalizing on their desire to serve, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, former commander of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said at a panel event in honor of Harvard’s veterans.

  • Cantor: Fund medical research

    U.S. Rep. Eric I. Cantor, the House majority leader, embraced immigration reform, education changes, and medical research funding during a speech at the Harvard Kennedy School.

  • Senegal as a starting point

    With a New England winter storm as an ironic counterpoint, a delegation of Senegalese officials arrived at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics Friday. In the lead was Macky…

  • Food for thought

    Panel discusses “Forum on Food Labeling: Putting the Label on the Table,” in a presentation by the Harvard Food Law Society.