Year: 2012

  • Campus & Community

    ‘Having it all’ at Harvard

    After an Atlantic magazine cover story launched a national debate on how women balance career and family, a group of Harvard women is continuing the conversation, and is looking for new ideas on how to make the work-life juggling act a little less stressful.

  • Campus & Community

    William Kaye Estes

    At a Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on November 6, 2012, the Minute honoring the life and service of the late William Kaye Estes, Daniel and Amy Starch Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, was placed upon the records. Professor Estes made pioneering contributions to many cognitive domains over a period spanning more than…

  • Health

    Meditation’s positive residual effects

    A new study has found that participating in an eight-week meditation training program can have measurable effects on how the brain functions even when someone is not actively meditating.

  • Nation & World

    Room for improvement in ed policy

    In a discussion at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, a panel of education experts examined how the election results will impact education reform at the federal, state, and local levels.

  • Campus & Community

    Memories and beginnings

    Members of the Harvard community gathered Sunday to salute the University’s war dead for Veterans Day, an event accompanied by the official institution service for Jonathan Walton, the Memorial Church’s new Pusey Minister and Plummer Professor of Christian Morals.

  • Campus & Community

    Reising serves those who serve

    Harvard Law School student Jesse Reising will extend the Warrior-Scholar Project to Harvard. The Warrior-Scholar Project is a two-week “academic boot camp” to help veterans transition from the military to college.

  • Health

    Green light for Obamacare

    Health care specialists discussed post-election Obamacare, including potential bumps in the road, in a panel talk at the Harvard School of Public Health.

  • Nation & World

    The lessons of election ’12

    Two political philosophers from opposite sides of the fence met at the Tsai Center to size up the factors in play during the recent presidential election, and the weight that they could take on in 2016.

  • Science & Tech

    Intelligent Earth

    Once its axis tilts, how does the Earth “know” to return to its normal orientation? Work by Harvard researchers provides some answers.

  • Nation & World

    What history gives the present

    Eight Harvard historians gathered at Emerson Hall with an ambitious goal in mind: to explain — in eight minutes or less — apiece — that “everything is history and history is everything.”

  • Arts & Culture

    Exorcising the curse of knowledge

    Author Steven Pinker told a packed audience what is wrong with so much academic writing: It’s filled with abstract language, clunky transitions, clichés, “zombie nouns,” and “compulsive hedging.”

  • Campus & Community

    HBS’s Thomas K. McCraw Sr., 72

    Thomas K. McCraw Sr., a renowned and much-honored Harvard Business School (HBS) historian, teacher, and author, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1985 for his book “Prophets of Regulation,” died Nov. 3 at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Mass., after a long illness. He was 72.

  • Arts & Culture

    A collection unlike others

    Harvard’s newly acquired Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection is the largest of its kind in the world, centuries of art, literature, and popular culture artifacts related to the chief avenues to altered states of mind: sex and drugs.

  • Nation & World

    Harvard goes to Washington

    Tuesday night’s national elections sent a number of Harvard alumni and affiliates off to Washington.

  • Health

    When parasites catch viruses

    Researchers have found that a protozoan parasite causing an STD that affects a quarter of a million people yearly is fueled in part by its own viral symbiont. Antibiotics that simply kill the parasite are not the solution.

  • Health

    Insulin and colon cancer linked

    Researchers have found that colorectal cancer survivors whose diet and activity patterns lead to excess amounts of insulin in the blood have a higher risk of cancer recurrence and death from the disease.

  • Nation & World

    Architects in supermarkets

    The session “Paper or Plastic: Re-Inventing Shelf Life in the Supermarket Landscape” looked at how architects — with their skills in three-dimensional conceptualization — can address a host of design challenges, including ones that might sit on shelves in the local supermarket.

  • Campus & Community

    Imagine if everyone gave

    The Harvard Community Gifts campaign launched on Nov. 7. Faculty and staff can choose to donate by payroll deduction by Dec. 7, or may elect to give by check or credit card through Jan. 15. Harvard has established a user-friendly website where individuals can select their charity and donation amount.

  • Health

    New way to model human disease

    Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have mimicked pulmonary edema in a microchip lined by living human cells. They used this “lung-on-a-chip” to study drug toxicity and identify potential new therapies to prevent this life-threatening condition.

  • Campus & Community

    Election 2012 at Harvard

    As voters across the United States traipsed to the polls and awaited the election results, so did students, faculty, and staff members at Harvard, the University that helped to educate both major presidential candidates.

  • Health

    How much exercise is enough?

    “We found that adding low amounts of physical activity to one’s daily routine, such as 75 minutes of brisk walking per week, was associated with increased longevity: a gain of 1.8 years of life expectancy after age 40, compared with doing no such activity,” explained Harvard Medical School Professor of Medicine I-Min Lee.

  • Science & Tech

    Hello again, climate change

    Superstorm Sandy’s hurricane winds and torrential downpours killed at least 106 people, left millions without power, and caused billions of dollars in damage. It also got people talking again about climate change.

  • Campus & Community

    Empty Bowls to fill coffers

    An Empty Bowls open house and dinner was held Thursday at the Harvard Allston Education Portal Annex. The fundraiser utilized the talents of Harvard students, artists at Harvard’s ceramics program, and other community partners to raise money for the hungry.

  • Arts & Culture

    When jazz was king

    Three local jazz figures came to Harvard to explore their passion for the music and its future as a singular American art form.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard students run own marathon

    The decision to cancel the ING New York City Marathon didn’t stop Harvard College seniors Samantha Whitmore and Meredith Baker from running their own fundraising marathon on Sunday to raise awareness and funds for victims of the devastation in the tri-state area.

  • Campus & Community

    Students furnish feedback on furniture

    During a recent open house at the Student Organization Center at Hilles, students toured furniture displays from four different companies. The feedback gathered from the students will help administrators both narrow down specifications for ordering furniture for Old Quincy and work toward a standard to draw on.

  • Science & Tech

    How Google sees the race

    Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a Ph.D. student in economics, uses Google Insights for Search, an online tool for extracting data from the millions of daily Google searches, and then uses statistical tools to analyze the data to gain insights on who is likely to vote and on voter turnout on Election Day.

  • Nation & World

    Bypassing the Bible

    Ellery Schempp, one of the last living symbols of a series of Supreme Court cases that banned mandatory displays of faith in public schools, brought the contentious battle over religious expression to life for a Harvard Divinity School audience.

  • Health

    Probing sleep’s drowsy mystery

    Harvard researchers have worked for years to understand better the familiar mystery of sleep, highlighting not only what happens when we close our eyes, but also the effects on us when we don’t.

  • Nation & World

    Election reflection by Dukakis

    In a wide-ranging talk at Harvard, Michael Dukakis, the 1988 Democratic candidate for president, discussed the 2012 presidential election and the challenges facing the nation.