Tag: Congress

  • Nation & World

    Clinton, Nixon, and lessons in preparing for impeachment

    Veterans of past impeachment battles offer insiders’ looks into the politics, procedure, and strategy of investigators and lawmakers.

    House Judiciary Committee
  • Nation & World

    New report urges Congress to close its growing tech gap

    Harvard Kennedy School researchers release report urging Congress to close its growing tech-knowledge gap.

  • Nation & World

    A plea to support DACA

    Jin Park ’18, a DACA recipient and Rhodes scholar, testified before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday about the “impossible position” he and others like him are now in if they leave the U.S. to study or work as a result of termination of protections.

  • Science & Tech

    Why your online data isn’t safe

    With a spate of massive data privacy breaches in the last two years, Harvard Law Professor Urs Gasser, executive director of the Berkman Klein Center, discusses whether regulating big tech is the answer.

  • Arts & Culture

    From playing a DA on TV to running for Congress

    Former model and “Law & Order: SVU” actress Diane Neal is using what she learned at Harvard to fuel a run for office.

  • Nation & World

    John McCain: A maverick who matters

    Harvard analysts reflect on the life and legacy of ailing Arizona Sen. John McCain, who says in a new memoir that this will be his last term in office.

    Sen. John McCain.
  • Nation & World

    Among young, trust in social media is low, poll says

    New IOP poll finds that young adults don’t trust much, not even the big tech companies. Perhaps that’s why the findings also say they’re promising to turn out for the midterm elections in November in larger numbers.

  • Campus & Community

    A call to halt endowment tax

    Harvard President Drew Faust was among 49 college and university presidents who called on Congress to repeal the endowment tax enacted in December.

  • Nation & World

    Where Washington actually works

    On Capitol Hill, the everyday business of government rolls along, aided by many Harvard-trained officials.

  • Campus & Community

    Institute of Politics, 50 years in

    As the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School celebrates its 50th anniversary, alumni reflect on the important influence it had on their lives.

  • Nation & World

    Pope brings ‘Francis effect’ to U.S.

    Harvard Divinity School faculty will attend two of Pope Francis’ stops during his six-day visit to the United States Sept. 22-27.

  • Nation & World

    Straight dealing

    As Congress prepares to vote on a deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program, Harvard Kennedy School experts consider its merits and shortcomings and look to what’s next.

  • Nation & World

    Making sense of Congress

    A pair of Harvard seniors, aided by Harvard’s innovation environment, have launched a company that helps people make sense of Congress by gathering in one place diverse information on representatives, districts, bills, and legislative proceedings.

  • Nation & World

    A new chapter for Congress

    Forty-seven Harvard alumni will be part of the 114th Congress, which began this week.

  • Nation & World

    Power shift

    David King, a senior lecturer at the Kennedy School, answers questions on the midterm elections and what’s next for lawmakers.

  • Nation & World

    The politics of money

    Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman discusses whom the U.S. Supreme Court’s most recent ruling on campaign contributions will affect, and what the decision means for the future of campaign-finance reform, and for American politics.

  • Nation & World

    The measure of a woman

    Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. House minority leader and former speaker, appeared at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study to discuss the progress that American women have — and have not — made since a milestone 1963 report initiated by President John F. Kennedy on their status.

  • Nation & World

    Targeting climate change

    EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on Tuesday promised that the Obama administration will “engage” on climate change issues during its last three years. Her policy speech at Harvard Law School was her first since being confirmed to the post.

  • Nation & World

    How to sidestep sequestration

    Gazette staff writer Colleen Walsh spoke with budgeting expert Linda J. Bilmes, a Harvard Kennedy School senior lecturer in public policy, about the looming government sequestration, and some possible ways to avoid it in future.

  • Nation & World

    Getting down to business

    Advancing America’s economic competitiveness should be a top priority for elected leaders, Harvard Business School professors Michael E. Porter and Jan W. Rivkin told a group of new members of Congress attending a weeklong Harvard Kennedy School crash course on the policy issues they’ll face in Washington.

  • Nation & World

    Harvard goes to Washington

    Tuesday night’s national elections sent a number of Harvard alumni and affiliates off to Washington.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard student, Mexican politician

    When Lilia Aguilar earns her Kennedy School degree, she’ll return to her homeland to ramp up her campaign for a seat in congress.

  • Nation & World

    Q&A on health care reform

    Constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe offers his analysis of this week’s hearings before the Supreme Court on mandatory coverage.

  • Nation & World

    A cleanup plan for D.C.

    Trust in Congress is at an all-time low, but corrupt politicians aren’t to blame. For true reform, America must fix a broken system that relies on money from a fraction of the 1 percent, Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig argued on March 19.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard welcomes back ROTC

    Harvard President Drew Faust and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus today (March 4) signed an agreement that will re-establish the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) formal presence on campus for the first time in nearly 40 years.

  • Nation & World

    Chronic condition

    Panelists discussed the impact, failures, and future of health care reform at a Harvard Kennedy School event on Feb. 23.

  • Campus & Community

    Get ready, think big

    Ten of Harvard’s great minds gathered at Sanders Theatre on Thursday (Feb. 17) for the second annual Harvard Thinks Big, a student-organized discussion in which 10 speakers each took 10 minutes to explore a topic near and dear to their hearts.

  • Nation & World

    Heading for Congress

    Twenty-four incoming members of Congress visited the Harvard Kennedy School this week for a four-day conference to help prepare them for their new jobs.

  • Nation & World

    Divided they stand

    What to expect in 2011 and beyond? After this month’s midterm elections, Harvard’s resident analysts look ahead to Congress’ upcoming agenda, from tax reform to foreign policy to the 2012 political calculus.

  • Arts & Culture

    Pass the popcorn

    Movie night at the Schlesinger Library uses lesser-known films to cast a cinematic light on women’s issues.