Tag: Harvard Kennedy School

  • Nation & World

    Summers takes the long view

    Former Harvard President Lawrence Summers touches on the economy, his time in the White House, and the future of the American job market during a talk at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.

  • Nation & World

    Fresh paths to success

    A dean, a professor, and a former journalist are shaking up education and policy circles with a report that asks: What if not everyone had to go to college to have a good life?

  • Nation & World

    Making a difference

    Across the University, public service programs are thriving, reinforcing Harvard’s founding mission of providing assistance to others.

  • Campus & Community

    Long a Harvardian, now an American

    For Marina Betancur and 15 other Harvard employees, a celebration dinner with President Drew Faust was a victory lap on a long, arduous, and rewarding path to citizenship.

  • Campus & Community

    Belfer Center hosts 2011 Fisher Fellows

    The Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, located at the Harvard Kennedy School, announced the spring 2011 Fisher Family Fellows on April 4.

  • Nation & World

    For Libya, ‘no compromise’ in sight

    Libyans want freedom, but the road to democracy is paved with unanswered questions. With the country torn by internal warfare, former Libyan diplomat Ali Suleiman Aujali and other experts gathered at the Harvard Kennedy School to look for answers.

  • Campus & Community

    HKS announces winners of Neustadt and Schelling Awards

    One of the nation’s most eminent economists and a dynamic young development economist are recipients of the 2011 Richard E. Neustadt and Thomas C. Schelling Awards.

  • Nation & World

    Spotlight on Harvard in Chile

    President Drew Faust is traveling this week to highlight Harvard’s engagement with Latin America. In Chile, she is meeting with government and academic leaders and getting a firsthand look at the tangible benefits of Harvard research.

  • Nation & World

    A thorny path to reform

    Edward Schumacher-Matos of Harvard Kennedy School moderated a panel discussion featuring three of the country’s foremost immigration scholars.

  • Nation & World

    The promise of journalism

    New York Times op-ed columnist Frank Rich ’71 receives the Goldsmith Career Award and suggests good days are still ahead for significant, game-changing journalism.

  • Nation & World

    The need for men to back women

    A two-day conference on gender examined various dimensions to empowering the lives of women in developing nations.

  • Campus & Community

    Bill Richardson named IOP spring visiting fellow

    Former governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson has been named a spring visiting fellow at the Institute of Politics.

  • Nation & World

    The man from Kyrgyzstan

    Historian Baktybek Beshimov, a former diplomat and parliamentarian, fled political unrest in his homeland to research and write in Harvard’s Scholars at Risk program.

  • Campus & Community

    Not so different after all

    Marines in Iraq, students at Harvard are alike in wondering: Where do their lives go next?

  • Campus & Community

    HKS establishes professorship of U.S.-Asia relations

    The Harvard Kennedy School has established the S.T. Lee Professorship of U.S.-Asia Relations.

  • Nation & World

    Harvard lends a hand to Chile

    The Harvard community has reached out to help Chile recover from last year’s earthquake, with efforts ranging from students working on reconstruction during winter break to an upcoming planning meeting involving Harvard faculty members and President Drew Faust.

  • Nation & World

    Avoiding a ‘fiscal train wreck’

    During remarks Thursday (Feb. 24) at the Harvard Kennedy School, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor portrayed the United States as a “fiscal train wreck” and sketched the stark choices that Republicans consider necessary to fuel the nation’s economic engine.

  • Campus & Community

    New York Times columnist wins Goldsmith

    New York Times op-ed columnist Frank Rich will receive the Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism as part of the annual Goldsmith Awards Ceremony.

  • Nation & World

    Labor’s love lost

    As anti-union sentiment sweeps state governments around the country, recent success stories in Massachusetts could hold the keys to improving public unions’ image, local leaders said at Harvard Kennedy School.

  • Nation & World

    Chronic condition

    Panelists discussed the impact, failures, and future of health care reform at a Harvard Kennedy School event on Feb. 23.

  • Nation & World

    Setting a course for Serbia

    Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Vuk Jeremic, Harvard Kennedy School alumnus and former Kokklais Fellow, affirmed his nation’s determination to maintain Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo and to join the European Union in a talk at the Harvard Kennedy School on Feb. 17.

  • Campus & Community

    Ernest R. May

    At a Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on February 1, 2011, the Minute honoring the life and service of the late Ernest R. May, Charles Warren Professor of American History, was placed upon the records. An expert in the field of U.S. foreign relations, Professor May held many leadership roles within the…

  • Nation & World

    Get smart

    Joseph Nye staked his career on the idea that power on the world stage means more than just military might. In the information age, the former Harvard Kennedy School dean argues, the United States needs to learn that lesson more than ever.

  • Nation & World

    Church of one

    Americans are a God-fearing people, but we increasingly identify as nonreligious, according to Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam. Putnam shed light on “the rise of the nones” and other findings from his new book, “American Grace,” in a talk at Harvard Divinity School on Feb. 15.

  • Nation & World

    Focus on Egypt

    Harvard Kennedy School faculty members and scholars offer their varied perspectives on the situation in Egypt via a website that is being updated regularly.

  • Nation & World

    What it takes to lead

    Do leaders need competence, character, or both? And can such traits be taught? On Feb. 7, Harvard experts gathered to discuss the University’s role in fostering leaders in business, education, and the public sector in honor of Harvard Corporation member Nan Keohane’s new book, “Thinking About Leadership.”

  • Nation & World

    An ‘extraordinary moment’

    The protests that have rocked the Arab world in recent weeks have left many observers wondering if the region’s citizens will achieve self-government after decades of dictatorial rule. As Egyptians continued to demonstrate, a crowd flocked to the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics Feb. 3 to hear several Harvard analysts’…

  • Nation & World

    Changing how teachers improve

    A new initiative headed by a Harvard scholar aims to transform the way teachers improve their performance, and to overhaul the nation’s public schools in the process.

  • Nation & World

    After the uprising

    A pair of Harvard experts addressed unrest in Tunisia — and whether it will lead to a truly democratic government — in a panel discussion at the Harvard Kennedy School.