Tag: Harvard Art Museums

  • Arts & Culture

    Rose petals for the lost

    Recently the Harvard Art Museums acquired the evocative “A Flor de Piel,” a room-sized tapestry by contemporary Colombian artist Doris Salcedo made of thousands of dyed rose petals stitched together to form a giant burial shroud. For the director of Harvard’s Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, this was a first.

  • Arts & Culture

    Visual synesthesia

    The words “Folding, Refraction, Touch” provided a useful framework for the Busch-Reisinger Museum’s exhibition of works by Wolfgang Tillmans and other modern and contemporary artists in dialogue with the German photographer.

  • Campus & Community

    Becoming her fullest self

    Sarah Lewis ’97 talks to the Gazette about returning to Harvard to join the faculty of the History of Art and Architecture.

  • Arts & Culture

    A generous vision for Harvard Art Museums

    Prior to arriving on campus as Harvard Art Museums director, Martha Tedeschi was the deputy director for art and research at the Art Institute of Chicago. She recently spoke with the Gazette about her new role.

  • Arts & Culture

    Mixed messages

    “The Art of Discovery,” an exhibit in Radcliffe’s Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery, includes work by 13 current fellows.

  • Campus & Community

    The jive on java

    A field guide to the coffee joints in Harvard Square.

  • Arts & Culture

    Ahead of Bauhaus centennial, a digital gateway

    Some of the groundwork for a planned 2019 exhibit on Harvard and the Bauhaus has already found a place online.

  • Arts & Culture

    Finding beauty in the bizarre

    The Harvard Art Museums exhibit “Flowers of Evil: Symbolist Drawings, 1870–1910,” on view through Aug. 14, borrows its name from the 1857 collection of symbolist poems about decadence and eroticism by the French poet Charles Baudelaire. It also captures the essence of an artistic movement that sought to render the invisible visible through the use…

  • Arts & Culture

    At metaLAB, curiosity meets whimsy

    The Harvard metaLAB, a design studio and creative research lab affiliated with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, reaches across disciplines to create new multimedia projects.

  • Arts & Culture

    Curating a visual record

    Sarah Elizabeth Lewis, assistant professor of the history of art and architecture and African and African-American studies, guest edited the magazine Aperture, producing an issue called “Vision & Justice,” the first on African-Americans, race, and photography for the magazine.

  • Campus & Community

    The arts in review

    A look at the arts scene at Harvard during the 2015-16 academic year.

  • Arts & Culture

    Drawing power

    “Drawings from the Age of Bruegel, Rubens, and Rembrandt” serves as an intimate study of art in progress.

  • Science & Tech

    Targeting the ills of climate change

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry helped launch a new Harvard climate change and global health initiative Thursday, saying that climate change impacts almost always affect human health.

  • Campus & Community

    The link between art and history

    The Harvard Graduate School of Education and Cambridge Rindge and Latin School are collaborating on a program that brings history to life through the Harvard Art Museums’ collections.

  • Arts & Culture

    The art of the moment

    Vijay Iyer, the Franklin D. and Florence Rosenblatt Professor of the Arts, gathered four friends and colleagues for “Bending Toward Justice: Improvisation, Freedom, and the Arts,” a panel discussion on how dance, music, and their improvisational tendencies influence the world.

  • Nation & World

    Terror threat on mind of Italian PM

    Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy talked about challenges facing Europe in a stop at Harvard during a four-day trip to the U.S.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard Art Museums director named

    Harvard University Provost Alan Garber announced the appointment of Martha Tedeschi as the Elizabeth and John Moors Cabot Director of the Harvard Art Museums, beginning in July.

  • Arts & Culture

    Seeing more

    In his weekly 90-minute lectures, Professor Robin Kelsey brings historical awareness and contextual experience to 13 technologies that have transformed visual communication.

  • Arts & Culture

    Spawn of Bosch

    This year marks five centuries since the death of Hieronymus Bosch. Harvard Art Museums is paying tribute to the Dutch artist with the exhibit, “Beyond Bosch: The Afterlife of a Renaissance Master in Print.”

  • Arts & Culture

    Breaking bonds of time

    “Everywhen: The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia,” a special exhibit at the Harvard Art Museums, makes room for different perspectives.

  • Arts & Culture

    At 81, her first solo show at home

    With her first solo Boston show on view at the Carpenter Center, Lorraine O’Grady, 81, explains her art and influences during an address at the Harvard Art Museums.

  • Arts & Culture

    The pop in Corita Kent

    A mayoral proclamation, a Harvard Art Museums exhibit, and a StoryCorps project all salute Corita Kent, Boston’s pop art icon.

  • Arts & Culture

    Art that interrupts

    Artist Shahryar Nashat uses video, sound, and shapes to “intervene” in the space designed by Le Corbusier, while connecting his work with “Private Practice” inside Harvard Art Museums. The goal of the exhibits is to bring together these two gallery spaces as a result of this unique collaboration.

  • Campus & Community

    Pop art on spaghetti

    In homage to the pop artist Corita Kent — who regularly featured food in her work — and the Harvard Art Museums exhibit “Corita Kent and the Language of Pop,” Harvard University Dining Services hosted “Corita Night” in the University’s dining halls, with meatballs as the focus.

  • Arts & Culture

    Art that lights the mind

    A photographer and a neurobiologist explored the science and art behind seeing during a HUBweek lecture at the Harvard Art Museums.

  • Campus & Community

    Q&A with Harvard President Drew Faust

    Harvard President Drew Faust sat down with The Gazette recently to discuss the University landscape for the coming academic year, including Harvard’s priorities for 2015-16 as well as some of the challenges ahead.

    Drew Faust
  • Arts & Culture

    A wall of color, a window to the past

    Curious visitors who turn left off the Harvard Art Museums’ elevators on the building’s fourth floor are greeted by the Forbes Pigment Collection, a floor-to-ceiling wall of color compiled from about 1910 to 1944 by the former director of the Fogg Museum.

  • Arts & Culture

    Out of the blue, strokes of brilliance

    A phone call last month led to the acquisition of Corita Kent prints at Radcliffe’s Schlesinger Library.

  • Arts & Culture

    Putting an artist in her place

    A new exhibit at the Harvard Art Museums reviews the work of pop artist and activist Corita Kent.

  • Arts & Culture

    A Harvard homecoming for this artist

    Jesse Aron Green ’02 is the first Harvard alumnus to have an exhibition at the new Harvard Art Museums. A former Quincy House resident and a Needham native, Green spoke with the Art Museums about his Harvard education and the inspiration for his work.