Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • A plea to support DACA

    Jin Park ’18, a DACA recipient and Rhodes scholar, testified before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday about the “impossible position” he and others like him are now in if they leave the U.S. to study or work as a result of termination of protections.

  • ‘Failed’ Trump-Kim summit could spark real diplomacy

    A seminar at Harvard’s Kennedy School, planned to assess the outcomes of the Trump-Kim summit in Vietnam, instead dissected the meeting’s “failure” and what it means for diplomacy.

    Katharine Moon speaking on a panel
  • Lessons from a gubernatorial loss

    Former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who excited Democrats’ hopes with his progressive message in Florida’s gubernatorial race in November, will work with students at the Institute of Politics this semester to expand ideas of how change happens.

    Andrew Gillum
  • Serbian Roma children face discrimination in school

    Madga Matache is the head of the Roma Program at the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University (Harvard FXB), where she is shedding light on the lives of Romani children and teens who continue to face racism and discrimination in and out of the classroom.

    Magda Matache.
  • It’s spy vs. spy vs. spy

    Newly named general editor of a book project documenting espionage and intelligence throughout human history, Harvard Kennedy School senior fellow Calder Walton discusses the context of the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s connections to Russia and how spies and spying have evolved over centuries.

  • Final arguments in admissions suit

    Harvard defended its admissions policies in U.S. District Court in Boston in a final hearing as part of a lawsuit that could change the landscape for higher education.

  • The endless struggle over racism

    Pervasive racism and hate requires a response that addresses it at various levels, from politics to public safety to schools, experts at a Harvard Chan School forum said.

    Maureen Costello, Director of Teaching Tolerance and Member of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Senior Leadership Team; Dipayan Ghosh, Pozen Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School; David Williams, Chair of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Oren Segal, Director, Center on Extremism, Anti-Defamation League; moderator Philip Martin, Senior Investigative Reporter, WGBH News
  • A spirited defense of NATO as bulwark

    As NATO approaches its 70th anniversary, a new report from Harvard Kennedy School affiliates says the stalwart military alliance is in “crisis,” facing challenges from outside and within like never before.

    President Trump making a face
  • Understanding Venezuela’s collapse

    Harvard Kennedy’s School’s Ricardo Hausmann, director of the Center for International Development and professor of the practice of economic development, discusses deteriorating conditions in Venezuela.

    Protesters fill streets of Caracas,
  • The push for campus election clout

    The Institute of Politics’ National Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement weekend-long conference drew approximately 125 students and school administrators, who shared notes on campus voting initiatives in the 2018 elections and brainstormed how to expand on them in 2020.

  • A ‘Prisoner’ story

    Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, a 2017 Harvard Nieman Fellow, and his Iranian wife, journalist Yeganeh Rezaian, a fall 2016 Shorenstein Fellow, talk about their experiences as prisoners of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

  • President Bacow defends higher ed

    Giving a talk at the American Enterprise Institute in D.C., Harvard President Larry Bacow reaffirmed his support for colleges and universities and his belief that they can help change the world, despite fears Americans are increasingly questioning the value of a college degree.

    Harvard President Larry Bacow
  • New center takes Harvard into rural schools

    With the launch of a new national initiative and a network of district partners, the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University will partner with rural schools to move the needle on absenteeism and college readiness and enrollment.

    Thomas Kane
  • Nonviolent resistance proves potent weapon

    Harvard Professor Erica Chenoweth discovers nonviolent civil resistance is far more successful in effecting change than violent campaigns.

    Hossam el-HamalawyLove and Revolution الثورة والحب. Revolutionary Graffiti at Saleh Selim Street, the island of Zamalek, Cairo. Taken on Oct. 23, 2011.
  • A response to proposed Title IX changes

    With input from Harvard and other educational institutions, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts submitted written comments this week to the U.S. Department of Education, responding to its proposed changes to Title IX.

  • An inside look at the powerful, porous NFL

    As Super Bowl LIII approaches, political reporter Mark Leibovich, now a national correspondent for The New York Times magazine and author of the 2013 best-seller “This Town,” discusses the intersection of politics and the National Football League.

    Tom Brady leads the Patriots onto the field.
  • A new look at the father of modern political thought

    A conference at the Edmond J. Safra Center will examine the life and works of the late Harvard Professor John Rawls, whom many consider the father of modern political philosophy.

    John Rawls
  • Whither that wall

    Weeks into a federal government shutdown over the president’s request for money to build a border wall to keep out migrants coming from Central America and Mexico, Harvard analysts discuss the practical, legal, and historical implications of Donald Trump’s possible move to declare a national emergency to bypass congressional opposition.

  • Slavery alongside Christianity

    A student-mounted exhibition probes the ties and tensions between slavery and Christianity during centuries of American bondage.

    Alexandrea Harriott and classmates with their exhibit Andover-Harvard Theological Library .
  • Paving the way for self-driving cars

    Two efforts at Harvard are helping state and city officials in Boston and around the nation frame their early policy thinking around autonomous vehicles.

  • A trip to self-discovery in South’s troubled past

    On a spring break trip sponsored by the Harvard Alumni Association, two College students learn a lesson in common humanity.

    Seokmin Oh
  • Where the present meets the past

    During Israel visit, Harvard Divinity School students tracked movements of the historical Jesus.

    The road to Jericho.
  • Puerto Rico benefits from Harvard’s living lab

    The community group Unidos por Utuado has won $100,000 in seed funding from the Puerto Rico Big Ideas Challenge to implement a plan — designed by Harvard students — for renewable and affordable electricity.

    city of Utuado
  • A new chief at Center for Public Leadership

    Former Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman, who has held numerous top posts in the State Department and on Capitol Hill and led the U.S. negotiations with Iran over nuclear weapons that resulted in a historic 2015 accord, is set to helm the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School in January. She talks to the Gazette about her plans and her view of U.S. foreign policy today.

    Wendy R. Sherman
  • A lesson for every listener

    Members of the Harvard community heard different messages as Malala Yousafzai accepted the 2018 Gleitsman Award.

    Malala Yousafzai and Samantha Power sitting on stage
  • New congressional members at Harvard

    Fresh from their 2018 midterm victories, 63 newly elected members of Congress spent two days at Harvard Kennedy School this week engaging with students and getting an intensive primer from faculty and special guests on what to expect when they take their seats in January.

    Larry Bacow speaks with Chrissy Houlahan, Elissa Slotkin, Elaine Luria, Mikie Sherrill, and Kim Schrier.
  • Yes, you can change the world, says Bryan Stevenson

    When lawyer and social activist Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, spoke at the Kennedy School Tuesday, his topic was nothing less than changing the world, something that he urged everyone in the capacity crowd to think of as both a responsibility and a possibility.

    Bryan Stevenson at the Kennedy School.
  • Lies we can’t live without

    NYU philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah will draw from his new book, “The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity,” when he visits Harvard Medical School to deliver the 2018 George W. Gay Lecture.

    Kwame Anthony Appiah in front of a wooden wall
  • The view from inside Facebook

    Monika Bickert, the head of global policy management for Facebook, discussed the social media giant’s policies and evolution with Harvard’s Jonathan Zittrain.

    Monika Bickert and Jonathan Zittrain looking up at a screen
  • Getting from no nuclear to slow nuclear

    Environmental fellow Michael Ford and climate scientist Daniel Schrag say that improved nuclear power could play an important role in U.S. energy production midcentury and beyond.

    Michael Ford and Daniel Schrag.