Campus & Community

All Campus & Community

  • Protecting nature religiously

    The Environmental Protection Agency even has a global warming Web site. Today’s debate isn’t over whether the globe will warm, it’s over how much and what in God’s name we…

  • The green miles :A peaceful setting for warriors

    It’s difficult to imagine that scenic Franklin Park, one of Boston’s natural gems set aside for rest and recreation, is also home to the fierce competition of Harvard’s men’s and…

  • Kids benefit from employee dollars

    “How are we going to give people salary increases? How are we going to pay rent increases? How are we going to pay health insurance premium increases? How are we…

  • Women wage peace

    Women Waging Peace, a global network of women working to stabilize regions of violent conflict, is holding its second annual colloquium Nov. 4-18. The initiative was founded last year by…

  • Panel: Tibet victim of China’s ‘siege mentality’

    Ignoring Tibet won’t make it go away. That is the message the People’s Republic of China needs to hear, according to authorities on the Tibet situation who spoke Nov. 2…

  • Sports Illustrated: Women’s hockey number 2 in nation

    In perhaps the ultimate sign of eminence in the sport’s world, the Crimson women’s hockey team was singled out by Sports Illustrated Women magazine. The Harvard team was selected the…

  • Harvard declaws Lions, 34-0Rose’s arm raises Crimson to 4-1 Ivy

    The Crimson football team earned its first home victory in style last Saturday (Nov. 4), blanking the Columbia Lions 34-0. The shutout, Harvard’s first in three years, advances the team…

  • National prize honors biography by Malmstad

    The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) selection committee for the Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize awarded John E. Malmstad, professor of Slavic Languages at Harvard University,…

  • Radcliffe Public Policy Center appoints new associate director

    Pamela Stone, a sociologist specializing in work and gender, assumed her position as the new associate director of the Radcliffe Public Policy Center (RPPC) on Sept. 5. A former Radcliffe…

  • Provocateur Lee ‘bamboozles’ KSG crowd

    Those in the overflow audience at the ARCO Forum of Public Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) who expected filmmaker Spike Lee to stamp his feet and scream…

  • Ukrainian Research Institute creates new fellowships

    The Ukrainian Research Institute (URI) at the University has created a new program of postdoctoral fellowships. The Shklar Fellowships in Ukrainian Studies are designed to bring distinguished scholars from around…

  • Police Log

    Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the week ending Saturday Nov. 4. The official log is located at Police Headquarters, 29…

  • The canon according to Wisse

    Ruth Wisse hesitates to compare her latest work to the Bible, but she admits there may be some similarities. In “The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey Through Language and Culture”…

  • Law School to sponsor Latino Alumni Conference in Texas

    Following the success of September’s “Celebration of Black Alumni,” Harvard Law School will hold its Latino Alumni Conference in San Antonio, on Dec. 1. The three-day conference is sponsored by…

  • First fellow named by interfaculty health policy group

    The Interfaculty Health Policy Forum has announced Nancy Ann DeParle will be its first Forum Fellow. She will be in residence during the 2000-01 academic year. DeParle served as the…

  • Notes

    The Earthwatch Institute will hold its annual conference on Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Harvard Science Center. The program, which is open to the public, begins with registration at 9…

  • Radio memorial for Vosgerchian

    In honor of Luise Vosgerchian, the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music Emerita, radio station WHRB (95.3 FM, and simulcast live over the Internet at will broadcast a memorial…

  • Newsmakers

    Bell’s ‘landmark’ book republished Harvard University Press has republished “The End of Ideology” by sociologist Daniel Bell. First published in 1960, becoming “a landmark in American social thought,” according to…

  • Election raises questions about Electoral College process

    With the outcome of the 2000 presidential election very much in doubt, American voters are left grappling with the prospect of having elected a chief executive without a popular mandate.…

  • Memorial for David Bell is set for Nov. 17

    There will be a memorial service for David Elliott Bell on Friday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m., at the Memorial Church. Bell, the Clarence James Gamble Professor of Population Sciences…

  • Faculty council notice

    At its fifth meeting of the year, the Council discussed parking issues arising from the Faculty’s continued growth with the Vice President for Administration Sally Zeckhauser, and the Associate Vice…

  • Treating ills with music

    She was the only one to survive the horrible car crash that killed her parents and siblings. The teenager was inconsolable. Shipped from her home in Oregon to the East…

  • Sexual assault is reported

    According to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD), a sexual assault occurred in an undergraduate residence hall in Harvard Yard on Thursday, Nov. 2, at 4:30 a.m. The case is…

  • Fellowship helps medical scholars over the hurdles

    Overcoming obstacles has become a way of life for Olga Kandror. In 1984, the Russian-born cell biologist earned her Ph.D. from Moscow University, then got a research position at the…

  • Harvard, M.I.T. team up on atom research

    Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) have created the Center for Ultracold Atoms to tap the strengths of researchers at the two universities and engage a wider…

  • Baha’i Club has dinner, discussion on Nov. 7

    The Harvard Baha’i Club will sponsor a dinner and discussion at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 at Quincy House, Apt. 300, 58 Plympton St. The topic of discussion is “Is…

  • New ‘Harvard Guide’ has it all

    The new edition of “The Harvard Guide,” the University’s official guidebook, is now on sale at the Harvard Events & Information Center in the Holyoke Center arcade. All information has…

  • Predicting the unpredictableJeremy Stein analyzes the vagaries of behavioral finance

    Precariously perched on a tiny scaffold 170 feet in the air over the Nevada desert last summer, Jeremy Stein anxiously contemplated an awe-inspiring feat – a bungee jump into a…