Campus & Community

Fellowship deadline set for early March

2 min read

The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute offers graduate and undergraduate student fellowship support and summer research travel funding in the field of Japanese studies.

Fellowships include:

For March 1 deadline: Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowships in Japanese Studies for 2001-02; Supplementary Dissertation Grants for 2001-02; Dissertation Production Grants; Summer Research Grants for Graduate Students; and Summer Language Study Grants for Doctoral Students. Also, Conference Attendance Grants (deadline, at least one month in advance of conference.)

For March 2 deadline: Undergraduate Summer Travel Grants (for research and/or fieldwork in Japan relating directly to a senior honors thesis in an area of Japanese studies).

In addition, Noma-Reischauer Prizes in Japanese Studies, awarded to Harvard students who write essays on Japan-related topics. One undergraduate and one graduate award awarded annually. Deadline for submission of essay: June 29.

JASC Fee awards. The Reischauer Institute will fund up to two conference fee awards ($1,900 each) to Harvard students who are selected by the JASC committee to participate in the Japan-America Student Conference in this summer. Students should apply directly to JASC and inform the Reischauer Institute of their application (e-mail for JASC:

For full description of grants and application information, contact Ruiko Connor at the Reischauer Institute, Coolidge Hall 319, (617) 495-3220.