Fellowship deadline set for early March
The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute offers graduate and undergraduate student fellowship support and summer research travel funding in the field of Japanese studies.
Fellowships include:
For March 1 deadline: Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowships in Japanese Studies for 2001-02; Supplementary Dissertation Grants for 2001-02; Dissertation Production Grants; Summer Research Grants for Graduate Students; and Summer Language Study Grants for Doctoral Students. Also, Conference Attendance Grants (deadline, at least one month in advance of conference.)
For March 2 deadline: Undergraduate Summer Travel Grants (for research and/or fieldwork in Japan relating directly to a senior honors thesis in an area of Japanese studies).
In addition, Noma-Reischauer Prizes in Japanese Studies, awarded to Harvard students who write essays on Japan-related topics. One undergraduate and one graduate award awarded annually. Deadline for submission of essay: June 29.
JASC Fee awards. The Reischauer Institute will fund up to two conference fee awards ($1,900 each) to Harvard students who are selected by the JASC committee to participate in the Japan-America Student Conference in this summer. Students should apply directly to JASC and inform the Reischauer Institute of their application (e-mail for JASC: jascinc@jasc.org).
For full description of grants and application information, contact Ruiko Connor at the Reischauer Institute, Coolidge Hall 319, (617) 495-3220.