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  • Campus & Community

    Jackson responds

    Speaking this morning on Americas Response to Terrorism at Harvard Law School, the Rev. Jesse Jackson called for the United States to build coalitions with other countries and urged its citizens to unite against prejudice.

  • Campus & Community

    A time to heal

    More than 1,500 people packed a Memorial Church remembrance service on Friday, Sept. 14, capping a week in which the University community mourned the victims and struggled to make sense of the tragic crashes at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania.

  • Campus & Community

    Divinity School hosts 21 fellows, visiting scholars

    The Center for the Study of World Religions (CSWR) at the Harvard Divinity School will host 21 fellows and visiting scholars for the 2001-02 academic year. The 2001-02 CSWR senior…

  • Campus & Community

    Making a push to get back into the school groove

    Eleanor Benko ’02 (left), struggles with good humor through Harvard Yard, pushing her worldly goods on a dolly. Staff photo by Jon Chase

  • Campus & Community

    Scientists to wed at this year’s Ig Nobels

    Two scientists will tie the knot at this years Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Harvard University. Lisa Danielson and Will Stefanov, both geologists at Arizona State University, will be married in a 60-second ceremony as the climax of the science worlds goofiest – and perhaps most-beloved – annual event.

  • Campus & Community

    GSD names 2001-02 Loeb Fellows

    The Loeb Fellowship at the Design School (GSD) announced 11 individuals who have been awarded fellowships to participate in one year of independent study using the curriculum and programs of…

  • Campus & Community

    Survey: 80% assent to genetic testing

    Approximately 80 percent of adults responding to a random telephone survey would be willing to take a test to determine if they are genetically predisposed to developing Alzheimers disease if they were sure the test was accurate. But willingness to take the test falls to 45 percent if the test has a one in 10…

  • Campus & Community

    Summer research projects funded by Asia Center

    This summer, the Asia Center funded nearly 100 undergraduate and graduate student travel grants to Asia. Together with the John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, the Edwin O.…

  • Campus & Community

    Longfellow at Houghton

    It has been described by experts as the largest and most comprehensive private collection of rare books, unpublished letters, manuscripts, and photographs relating to the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to be sold in more than 50 years.

  • Campus & Community

    Milton Fund accepting proposals

    The William F. Milton Fund makes research monies available to faculty members of the University for studies of a medical, geographical, historical, or scientific nature.

  • Campus & Community

    Kuwait Program accepting grant proposals

    The Kennedy School of Government (KSG) has announced the second grant cycle for the Kuwait Program Research Fund. With support from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, a…

  • Campus & Community

    Former Indianapolis mayor joins KSG faculty

    Stephen Goldsmith, former two-term mayor of Indianapolis (1992-1999), has been named professor of the practice of public management at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG).

  • Campus & Community

    Shorenstein fall fellows selected

    Three career journalists and an educator have been selected as 2001 Fall Fellows at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, a research center based at…

  • Campus & Community

    Bacteria stripped of antibiotic resistance

    Infectious bacteria that have developed resistance to even the most potent antibiotics are making hospital stays increasingly hazardous. Take the drug vancomycin, for example, which used to be a last line of defense against virulent strains of enterococci and staphylococci that can be life-threatening. These bacteria continually develop new ways to beat vancomycin.

  • Campus & Community

    Dean Team

    Are two deans better than one?

  • Campus & Community

    Ethics center selects faculty fellows

    The University Center for Ethics and the Professions has selected the Faculty Fellows in Ethics for the 2001-02 academic year. Five scholars who study ethical problems in government, law, medicine,…

  • Campus & Community

    Taiwan’s status discussed

    Speaking at Harvard Sept. 6, Taiwanese foreign minister Hung-mao Tien offered a term from the language of political science to describe the relationship between his nation and mainland China.

  • Campus & Community

    Employment policies committee seeks input

    Dear Members of the Harvard Community, The Harvard Committee on Employment and Contracting Policies (HCECP) seeks to hear your views and to provide you with information on the work of…

  • Campus & Community

    Buddhist studies chair named

    Janet Gyatso, who taught in the religion department at Amherst College for the past 11 years, has been appointed the first Hershey Chair in Buddhist Studies, pending approval of Harvards governing boards. The new professorship at Harvard Divinity School focuses on the thought, practice, and values of contemporary Buddhism, both in Asia and the West.

  • Campus & Community

    In Brief

    Famous couple cancels A.R.T. appearance The American Repertory Theatre (A.R.T.) has announced that Nobel Prize-winning playwright and actor Dario Fo and his actress wife, Franca Rame, have canceled their trip…

  • Campus & Community

    Mazur recognized for teaching

    Eric Mazur, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics, has won one of the first

  • Campus & Community

    Genes associated with long life pinpointed

    Researchers at Harvard-afilliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, and other institutions have pinpointed a region on human Chromosome 4 that is likely to contain a gene or genes associated with extraordinary life expectancy. Their findings, reported in the Aug. 28 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, may lead to…

  • Campus & Community

    Women’s habits can reduce risk of diabetes

    Researchers from the School of Public Health and Brigham and Womens Hospital have found that women who are not overweight, exercise at least half an hour a day, and eat a diet rich in fiber and low in glycemic index and trans fat dramatically reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes. The study results appear…

  • Campus & Community

    Crimson Dance Team steps to top in nationals

    The Crimson Dance Team took first place in both the team routine and style routine competitions at the National Dance Alliance (NDA) Collegiate Dance Camp held Aug. 24-26 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. In taking home both possible first place trophies, the Crimson team topped 15 other crews from across the country.

  • Campus & Community

    McDermott, professor of surgery, dies at 84

    William V. McDermott Jr. ’38, HMS ’42, professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and former chairman of Harvard surgical services, died in Dedham on July 19. He was…

  • Campus & Community

    The Big Picture: Ernst Mayr

    Although he is 97 and only comes into his Harvard office once a week, Ernst Mayr is far from retirement.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard Neighbors offers activities for all

    Harvard Neighbors is a volunteer organization that has worked for more than 100 years to create a sense of community for the members of this large, decentralized university. Membership is open to active and retired Harvard faculty and staff and their spouses or partners. Through a wide variety of activities, Harvard Neighbors helps both newcomers…

  • Campus & Community

    College redux

    For Joe Nullet, the road to graduation from Harvard was dotted with the usual seminars, final exams, and late-night study sessions. But Nullet also took leisurely rest stops for getting married, having a family, owning a business, and launching a career. Total travel time: 22 years.

  • Campus & Community


    James Ackerman to receive Balzan Prize James Ackerman, the Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Fine Arts Emeritus, has been selected by the International Balzan Foundation as the recipient of the…

  • Campus & Community

    Safety announcement from Chief Riley

    Following the horrific tragedies in New York City and Washington, D.C., a number of threatening calls have come into the University, including a bomb threat that led some people to leave Holyoke Center on the morning of Friday, Sept. 14.