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  • Campus & Community

    Office for the Arts announces fall grant recipients

    The Council on the Arts at Harvard University has awarded 25 fall grants for 2001. Totaling nearly $10,000, the grants will support innovative and creative projects ranging from music and…

  • Campus & Community

    Law School’s Tribe awarded Spirit of Justice Award

    The Law Schools Laurence H. Tribe, the Ralph S. Tyler Jr. Professor of Constitutional Law, is this years winner of the Gay and Lesbians Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) Spirit of Justice Award.

  • Campus & Community

    In the wake of tragedy, the Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks at HLS

    In his first public address on the Sept. 11 attack on America, the Rev. Jesse Jackson called for the country to rise from the tragedy and lead a new world of coalition, faith, and economic and political justice.

  • Campus & Community

    Flu vaccination rates lower among African Americans

    Influenza vaccination rates for a study group of Medicare recipients were much lower among African Americans (46.1 percent) than among whites (67.7 percent) a gap of 21.6 percentage points.

  • Campus & Community

    Crimson women’s soccer takes on Brown

    As Brown’s Kelly Smith falls victim to the slick conditions on Ohiri Field last Saturday, Sept. 22, she strives to take down Harvard forward Beth Totman ’03. Totman tallied one goal in the

  • Campus & Community

    Online course catalog eases cross-registration

    A new online course catalog is poised to make life a bit easier for the more than 2,200 graduate and undergraduate students who cross school boundaries to register for courses each academic year.

  • Campus & Community

    Rugby club seeks grad student-players

    The Harvard Business School (HBS) Rugby Football Club seeks players from across Harvards graduate schools for training, matches, tours, or tournaments. Players of all skills and commitment levels are invited to attend.

  • Campus & Community

    Brown out

    Collegiate players across the land were pretty wound-up by the time Saturday, Sept. 21 rolled around. This past Saturday afternoon at Harvard Stadium, 5th year senior Josh Staph showed a crowd of 8,415 that he was wound-up just a little bit tighter than most.

  • Campus & Community

    Kuwait Program accepting grant proposals

    The Kennedy School of Government (KSG) has announced the second grant cycle for the Kuwait Program Research Fund. With support from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, a…

  • Campus & Community

    How to get 2001-02 directories

    Beginning in late November, the 2001-02 Faculty, Professional, and Administrative Staff Directory will be automatically distributed to all teaching faculty, emeriti, and administrative and professional staff. Those parties who need…

  • Campus & Community

    Memorial at John Harvard Statue

    Its poignancy is its simplicity. Three candles, snuffed out. A bunch of irises, white and speckled red on long green stems, kept fresh by the recent rains. A bit of tree branch, leaves slowly yellowing. And an origami crane, symbolizing long life and happiness, fashioned from foil.

  • Campus & Community

    President holds office hours

    President Lawrence H. Summers will hold office hours for students in his Massachusetts Hall office from 4 to 5 p.m. on the following dates: Oct. 26 Nov. 29 Dec. 13…

  • Campus & Community

    This month in Harvard history

    Sept. 11, 1770 – With the Great and General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony temporarily convening in Harvard Hall, the spirit of public debate catches fire among students, and Samuel…

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty Council notice for Sept. 26

    At its second meeting of the year, the Faculty Council met again with Professor P. Kuhn (East Asian Languages and Civilizations). Professor Kuhn continued the discussion he and Professor J.…

  • Campus & Community

    Muslims gather for regular Friday prayer

    This past Friday afternoon (Sept. 21), members of Harvards Muslim community came to Lowell Lecture Hall for prayer. The gathering, known as Juma, is a regular weekly occurrence, but the events of Sept. 11 made it anything but ordinary.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard Endowment Beats Benchmarks, Value Declines

    Harvard University’s endowment beat investment benchmarks in eight of 11 asset classes in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, but saw its overall value fall amid broader market declines.

  • Health

    Researchers identify genes that trigger depression

    A substance known as CREB controls gene expression in the brain. It also appears to be active in mood disorders. A group of Harvard researchers at McLean Hospital in Belmont,…

  • Campus & Community

    Rally for peace

    More than 1,500 people packed a Memorial Church remembrance service on Friday, Sept. 14, capping a week in which the University community mourned the victims and struggled to make sense of the tragic crashes at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard’s Muslims grieving, wary

    When Saif Shah Mohammed came to Harvard as a freshman three years ago, it was the first time he had been in the United States. A native of Bangladesh who grew up in Kuwait, now a senior concentrating in economics, Shah Mohammed says that living in America has affected him profoundly.

  • Campus & Community

    ‘i ka nyé tan’ is Bambara for ‘You look beautiful like that’

    The photograph is titled Amis des espagnoles (French for friends of the Spanish). It was taken in 1968 by Malick Sidib&eacute, and there is something oddly familiar about it.

  • Campus & Community

    The tough get going

    Forget about summer enrichment courses, insiders guides, or college counselors.

  • Campus & Community

    Murray Center marks 25 years

    The Murray Research Center at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study will hold a day of activities in celebration of its 25th anniversary on Friday, Sept. 28, in Radcliffe Yard. Dedicated to the study of lives over time, the Murray Center promotes the use of social science data to explore human development and social change.

  • Campus & Community

    Radcliffe to inaugurate Dean’s Lecture Series

    Award-winning novelist Margaret Atwood and Princeton University President Shirley Caldwell Tilghman are among the speakers who will participate in The Deans Lecture Series, sponsored by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

  • Campus & Community

    Two receive Roslyn Abramson awards

    Two untenured members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) have been named this years Roslyn Abramson Award winners for outstanding undergraduate teaching.

  • Campus & Community

    Dudley House breathes fire at Dragon boat race

    As the Philadelphia Mens Dragon Boat Team paddled ahead of the pack in New Yorks 2001 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, they were pursued by an unlikely rival. Rhythmically plunging their paddles forward, steadily pulling their paddles back, the Harvard Dudley House Dragon Boat team stroked to keep pace with the first-place team. The team…

  • Campus & Community

    Leadership summit

    Whats my motivation for doing good? How do I recruit volunteers for my program? How can I justify all this time spent on public service to my parents?

  • Campus & Community

    Academy of Management honors several HBS faculty

    The Academy of Management recently honored several Harvard Business School (HBS) faculty members at its annual meeting last month in Washington, D.C.

  • Campus & Community

    Radcliffe mines academe

    Theres a buzz around the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and its not just the whir of construction equipment in Radcliffe Yard. If you listen closely, youll hear excited discussion of the four new academic leaders that Drew Gilpin Faust, dean of the Radcliffe Institute, has recruited to help implement the Radcliffes mission.

  • Campus & Community

    A lifetime of trillionths of a second

    It’s the rarest, shortest-lived matter in the universe. In fact, it’s antimatter – the opposite of matter. When the two meet, they annihilate each other in a burst of energy.

  • Campus & Community


    Nahigian, former baseball coach, dies at 92 Alex Nahigian, former coach of the Harvard University baseball team, passed away on July 30. He was 92. Nahigian coached the Crimson for…