Campus & Community

All Campus & Community

  • Kavanagh receives grant for HIV research

    Daniel G. Kavanagh, a member of the faculty at the Ragon Institute, is one of the winners of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Grand Challenges Explorations initiative.

  • Memorial Church search committee

    President Drew Faust has announced the appointment of a search advisory committee for the next minister of the Memorial Church.

  • Student essays honored

    The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures recently awarded three V.M. Setchkarev Memorial Prizes of $500 each at its spring reception in May.

  • Gardner wins accolade for research

    Howard Gardner has been bestowed with the 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences.

  • Journalism society awards Harvard Crimson

    The Society of Professional Journalists named The Harvard Crimson the national winner in the editorial writing category as part of its Mark of Excellence competition.

  • BSC presents Barrett Award to senior

    David Gootenberg ’11 was presented with the Joseph L. Barrett Award at a special ceremony May 2.

  • Farmers markets to return in June

    The popular Harvard Farmers’ Market will return to campus on June 14.

  • Arne Duncan named chief marshal

    The Harvard Alumni Association announced that Arne Duncan ’86 has been elected by his classmates to be this year’s chief marshal for Commencement.

  • New app connects alums

    Harvard and Radcliffe College alumni/ae returning to campus for this spring’s reunions will be able to connect in more ways than ever, thanks to the new Harvard/Radcliffe Reunion app for smartphones.

  • A look inside: Dunster House

    Of Dunster House’s three major yearly events, those being its “Messiah” sing, the Dunster House opera, and the spring goat roast, it is the tradition of the roast that sets it apart from the other Houses.

  • Making the ‘ride’ choice

    Two start-up companies have partnered with Harvard’s CommuterChoice Program to make auto use — for long trips, quick jaunts, or daily commutes — easier.

  • Reinhold Brinkmann

    Reinhold Brinkmann, a distinguished scholar whose writings on music of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries made an indelible mark on musicology in Germany and the United States, taught in the Department of Music at Harvard University from 1985 until his retirement in 2003, serving, after 1990, as James Edward Ditson Professor of Music and, from 1991-1994, as department Chair.

  • Radcliffe welcomes 2011-12 fellows

    The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study has selected 51 fellows for the 2011-12 year.

  • Barrington Moore Jr.

    At a Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on May 3, 2011, the Minute honoring the life and service of the late Barrington Moore, Jr., retired Senior Research Fellow in the Russian Research Center and Senior Lecturer on Sociology, was placed upon the records. Moore was a leader in comparative historical sociology and comparative politics.

  • Hail fellows, well met

    The Harvard College Fellowship Program has proven to be a boon to students, academic departments across the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the fellows themselves, many of whom have gone on to land tenure-track faculty positions in a tough job market.

  • Committing to customer services

    The new Campus Service Center has merged Harvard University Housing, ID Card services, and the Parking Office in one convenient Holyoke Center location.

  • HAA announces Harvard Medalists

    The Harvard Alumni Association will award the Harvard Medal to Albert Carnesale ’78 (hon.), Frances Fergusson ’66, Ph.D. ’73, and Peter Malkin ’55, J.D. ’58, on May 26.

  • Wholly (and holy) organic

    Harvard Divinity School has a new blessing, a pluralist plot of paradise, in its own community garden.

  • Athlete for life

    Claire Richardson ’11 is an unusual example of what happens after college athletes graduate. Eligible to continue competing in college because of a year lost to injury, she’s headed to Georgetown for graduate school, and more running.

  • Where money meets politics

    James M. Snyder Jr., an economist and Harvard’s newest professor of government, is a student of American elections, where he finds that campaign contributions don’t have the sway you might suppose.

  • Harvard College Professorships for 5

    Honor provides support for research, recognizes outstanding teaching of undergraduates.

  • Work by day, write by night

    Matthew Salesses, a faculty and staff assistant at Harvard Kennedy School, moonlights as an up-and-coming fiction writer, editor, columnist, and, soon, a new dad.

  • High yield for Class of ’15

    Nearly 77 percent of students admitted to Harvard opt to attend the College, up from last year’s 75.5 percent.

  • Honor for Native American

    Harvard University plans to honor Joel Iacoomes, one of the first Native Americans ever to attend the College, with a special posthumous degree at its 2011 Commencement exercises on May 26. Iacoomes died shortly before Commencement in 1665.

  • Radcliffe rugby crowned national champ

    The Radcliffe Rugby Football Club has been crowned the 2011 USA Rugby DII National Champion after an incredible matchup against Notre Dame.

  • Two Harvard students named Hertz Fellows

    The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation announced the selection of its 2011-12 Hertz Fellows, including Harvard students Megan Blewett and Jesse Engreitz.

  • 360th Commencement

    Information on Harvard’s May 26 Commencement.

  • Jill Johnson appointed dance director

    The Office for the Arts at Harvard and Harvard’s Music Department have announced the appointment of Jill Johnson as director of the OFA Dance Program and senior lecturer in the Department of Music.

  • Top 25 Innovations in Government announced

    The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School announced the Top 25 Innovations in Government in competition for the Innovations in American Government Award.

  • Young pioneers of science

    Four hundred eighth-grade students from the Cambridge public schools visited campus to discuss their science experiments with the Harvard community.