Month: January 2013

  • Campus & Community

    Piecing the parts together

    An undergraduate suggests that, when it comes to innovation, there is no place better than Harvard to start work on an important initiative, since the University combines entrepreneurship, leadership, and knowledge-sharing into a coherent whole.

  • Health

    Looming malpractice

    The average physician will spend more than 10 percent of his or her career facing an open malpractice claim. Some specialists will spend upwards of 27 percent.

  • Health

    Push for name-brand drugs

    More than a third of U.S. physicians responding to a national survey indicated they prescribed brand-name drugs when appropriate generic substitutes were available.

  • Campus & Community

    Green incentive for going green

    Two new initiatives are being rolled out by Harvard’s CommuterChoice Program this winter. The expanded benefits will offer bicyclists tax-free reimbursements for bike-related expenses, including purchase and repair, and will provide Emergency Ride Home services to faculty and staff commuters who do not travel by car.

  • Health

    One cell is all you need

    Scientists at Harvard have pioneered a breakthrough technique that can reproduce an individual’s entire genome from a single cell. The development could revolutionize everything from cancer treatment, by allowing doctors to obtain a genetic fingerprint of a person’s cancer early in treatment, to prenatal testing.

  • Campus & Community

    Search for Ed School dean begins

    President Drew Faust today named an advisory group and invited the community for its input in assisting her in the search for a new dean for the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). Kathleen McCartney will be concluding her service as HGSE dean at the end of the spring term.

  • Campus & Community

    Scuba for wounded warriors

    Donations to Harvard Community Gifts aid many charitable programs, including scuba lessons for wounded warriors.

  • Science & Tech

    Building a better machine

    Students in the “Physics and Applied Physics Research Freshman Seminar” labored hard to improve on a model heat engine, continuing the work of a previous class.

  • Campus & Community

    Help with life’s bottleneck

    Some Harvard Medical School junior faculty members are receiving a bit of help at a difficult time in their lives, as they juggle the twin pressures of their demanding, developing careers and the consuming work of raising young families. These junior faculty have been awarded assistance through the Eleanor and Miles Shore 50th Anniversary Fellowship…

  • Arts & Culture

    The director’s cut

    The young director Allegra Libonati stages a new production of the brothers Grimm fairytale “Hansel and Gretel” at the A.R.T. Institute. The show runs through Jan. 6.

  • Health

    A treatment for ALS?

    According to researchers, results from a meta-analysis of 11 independent amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research studies are giving hope to the ALS community by showing, for the first time, that the fatal disease may be treatable.

  • Health

    Battling a bacterial threat

    Harvard physicians and scientists are joining forces to tackle one of the most troubling developments on the medical landscape: the rise of drug-resistant bacteria.

  • Arts & Culture

    He wrote the book of love

    A neurologist who teaches at Harvard Medical School ponders love and its complexities in his latest book, “What to Read on Love, Not Sex: Freud, Fiction, and the Articulation of Truth in Modern Psychological Science.”