Harvard University is extending medical and dental benefits to eligible employees’ dependents who otherwise would become ineligible for continued coverage. This extension began June 1.
It’s college graduation season in the United States. Even in today’s weak economy, students from prestigious Ivy League universities like Harvard have an extra advantage on the road to financial…
Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter said the simple interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is rarely so easy. He spoke during Afternoon Exercises on Commencement Day at Harvard.
Anticipation gave way to celebration today in Harvard Yard as more than 7,000 students graduated during Commencement Day ceremonies. Here is the day captured in a photo journal.
Since its inception in 2003, the South Asia Initiative (SAI) has raised the profile of South Asian studies at Harvard and internationally; generated interdisciplinary research; sent faculty and students to…
The Korea Institute at Harvard University promotes the study of Korea and brings together faculty, students, distinguished scholars, and visitors to create a leading Korean Studies community at Harvard.
The president of the Harvard Alumni Association today (May 27) announced the results of the annual election of new members of the Harvard Board of Overseers.
The Harvard Extension School will host a general information session on Tuesday, June 15, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. in Memorial Hall and the Science Center. The session is designed for anyone interested in learning more about the School and its offerings, including more than 600 courses and liberal arts and professional degree programs.
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study has announced that Gloria Steinem, a pioneering feminist, award-winning journalist, and best-selling author, will be awarded the 2010 Radcliffe Institute Medal at the Radcliffe Day luncheon on May 28.
We usually think of commencement as college’s end, but the word actually means the beginning, since everyday life is what follows. In this video, seven renowned Harvard instructors give their takeaway advice on how to thrive in the wider world, how to chart a fulfilling future, and how to give back along the way.
This summer, the Asia Center will support 66 students traveling to East, South, and Southeast Asia to conduct research, participate in internships, and pursue intensive language study.
The Fairbank Center collaborates with the Harvard University Asia Center to offer undergraduate and graduate student grants for Chinese language study and research travel.
Established in 2006 under the Office of the Provost, the Harvard China Fund (HCF) is a University-wide “academic venture fund” with three core objectives: partnerships, students, and presence.
For the 2009-10 academic school year and summer of 2010, the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies has funded or facilitated the travel to Japan of 112 Harvard students, undergraduate and graduate, and has funded others for language study and research related to Japan, but conducted in other locations, from Cambridge to Moscow.
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University has announced the 48 women and men selected to be Radcliffe Institute fellows in 2010–11.
In the second year of the David Rockefeller International Experience Grants Program, more than 400 Harvard College students accepted funding for international internships, volunteer projects, study abroad programs, and research opportunities in 53 countries across the world.
Outgoing Harvard Kennedy School student Marie-Ange Bunga started the Congo Initiative at Harvard, aiming to increase awareness about the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and hopes her cause will live on in the next generation of concerned students.
Fernando M. Reimers, Ford Foundation Professor of International Education and director of the International Education Policy Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has been appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to serve on the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO.
The following faculty members have been named full professors with tenure in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences: David Charbonneau, Matthew Nock, James M. Snyder Jr., and Malika Zeghal.
The Harvard Environmental Economics Program recently awarded four prizes to Harvard University students for the best research papers addressing a topic in environmental, energy, or resource economics.
HBS professors Forest L. Reinhardt and Michael W. Toffel share the 2009 D. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for sustainability issues in business curricula.
Diana L. Eck, Fredric Wertham Professor of Law and Psychiatry in Society and professor of comparative religion and Indian studies in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, was the speaker for Berea College’s 138th Commencement on May 23, and will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.