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  • Campus & Community

    Artists at “Sprung From Ruins” confront post-Sept. 11 world

    None of the artists who participated in the Nov. 9 panel discussion Sprung From Ruins presumed to offer words of wisdom about how the arts might heal or soothe or put right the terrible damage wreaked on this country on Sept. 11.

  • Campus & Community

    Fineberg selected as IOM president

    Harvey V. Fineberg, former provost of the University, has been selected to become the seventh president of the Institute of Medicine (IOM). He will begin his six-year term on July 1. Fineberg was dean of the School of Public Health for 13 years before serving as the Universitys provost from 1997 to June 2001.

  • Campus & Community

    President holds office hours

    President Lawrence H. Summers will hold office hours for students in his Massachusetts Hall office from 4 to 5 p.m. on the following dates: Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Feb. 1,…

  • Campus & Community

    Police reports

    Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the week ending Saturday, Nov. 10. The official log is located at 29 Garden St.

  • Campus & Community

    In brief

    Join the community dialogue

  • Campus & Community


    Newberger appointed to Berklee Board of Trustees

  • Campus & Community

    This month in Harvard history

    Nov. 7, 1898 – The Harvard Bulletin (predecessor of Harvard Magazine) publishes its first (four-page) issue. Cost: 8 cents.  Nov. 10, 1903 – In the now-demolished Rogers Building (or Old…

  • Campus & Community

    Grill fire forces Eliot House evacuation

    A fire in the Eliot House Grille, located in the basement below M-Entry, forced the evacuation of approximately 430 Eliot House students Sunday, Nov. 11, shortly after 8 p.m. Students in nearby Kirkland House were also temporarily evacuated as a precaution. No injuries were reported. Thick black smoke was reported coming from the basement common…

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty council Notice for Nov. 14

    At its fifth meeting of the year, the Faculty Council discussed with deans Vincent Tompkins (academic affairs) and Jeffrey Wolcowitz (economics and undergraduate education) a new multiyear curricular planning initiative being undertaken in the faculty.

  • Campus & Community

    Suspects sought in armed robberies

    On Monday, Nov. 12, three graduate students were the victims of two separate armed robberies. The first robbery occurred at approximately 12:30 a.m. opposite 16 Holden St., when the suspect approached two students from behind and demanded their wallets. Although no weapon was produced, the suspect made a gesture to his pocket, along with threatening…

  • Campus & Community

    Nathan Pusey dies at 94

    Nathan Marsh Pusey, the 24th president of Harvard, died early on the morning of Nov. 14 at the New York Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. He was 94.

  • Campus & Community

    Celebration Honors Pusey Contributions

    Celebration Honors Pusey Contributions

  • Campus & Community

    Nathan Pusey dies at 94

    Nathan Pusey dies at 94

  • Health

    Immune system discovery may lead to preventive therapy for diabetes

    The job of cells known as iNKT cells is to regulate the immune system’s response to infections and other disorders, ensuring that only diseased tissue, not healthy tissue, is targeted…

  • Health

    “Heart of glass” may be more than just a metaphor

    Jeffrey Fredberg is a professor of bioengineering and physiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. His primary research interest is asthma. Fredberg was intrigued by the plasticity of the…

  • Health

    Dopamine may play dual role in Parkinson’s disease

    According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, “Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disorder of the central nervous system that affects between one and one-and-a-half million Americans. Because it is not contagious…

  • Health

    Cell protein potently blocks enzyme linked to cancer

    The ends of chromosomes in normal cells eventually unravel, causing the cells to die. This does not happen in cancer cells, however. Cancer cells use an enzyme named telomerase to…

  • Health

    No innocent bystanders

    When cancer cells begin to do their destructive work, they have accomplices — normal cells that help nourish the cancerous ones. As Jack Lawler, Harvard Medical School associate professor of…

  • Campus & Community

    Big Green in the red, 5-2

    After a Bambi-like season opening flop this past Saturday (Nov. 3) against Brown – a 4-2 loss vs. a team projected to finish last in the ECAC – the Harvard mens hockey team (1-1-0, Ivy 1-1-0) sprang back with a sure-footed 5-2 win over Ivy rival Dartmouth on Sunday at home. Though the 15th -…

  • Campus & Community

    Grill fire forces Eliot House evacuation

    A fire in the Eliot House grill, located in the basement below M-Entry, forced the evacuation of approximately 430 Eliot House students Sunday night shortly after 8 p.m..

  • Campus & Community

    On the upswing

    Harvard’s women’s golf team finished its official fall season in solid standing, but the season’s high point came Oct. 28, when the team beat Yale in a scrimmage.

  • Campus & Community

    Joy in mudville

    What could be more fun than playing in the mud? Imagine this: Slippery mounds of oozing clay seeping through your fingers, dramatically changing shape under shifting pressures. Your eyes trained on a rising gray slab-becoming-cylinder, growing taller (and more delicate) as you guide, pull, stroke carefully up … wheel spinning, knees steady, back tense, a…

  • Campus & Community

    Simons, Wright win Marquand Award

    Daniel J. Simons, Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, and Lionel Hall proctor Susan Wright received the first annual John H. Marquand Awards for exceptional advising and counseling at a reception Monday evening (Nov. 5). The prize, awarded to one faculty member and one nonfaculty adviser, honors legendary Dudley House senior tutor John H.…

  • Campus & Community

    Talking toward peace

    The possibilities and the limits of negotiation in the post-Sept. 11 world will be examined by two of the worlds best-known negotiation scholars, Law School (HLS) professors Robert H. Mnookin and Roger Fisher. On Tuesday, Nov. 13, the two will discuss Afghanistan: Negotiating in the Face of Terrorism. The event is free and open to…

  • Campus & Community

    NSF grant funds study of science teaching

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $3 million grant to Harvard University for a four – year national study of college science students. The goal of the study, to be carried out by the Harvard – Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), is to determine which methods of teaching science in high school best…

  • Campus & Community

    Summers goes to GSE for student advice

    More than 100 students from the Graduate School of Education (GSE) packed the Gutman Conference Center Monday (Nov. 5) to meet with President Lawrence H. Summers as part of the search for a new dean of the School. Calling the choice of a new GSE dean one of the most important appointments that I will…

  • Campus & Community

    Gifts help mental health efforts

    The Community Gifts Through Harvard Campaign bears a special burden this year. The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have created both material and psychological needs for many individuals. Even those not directly affected by the attacks have been shaken by them in ways that may not be immediately apparent.

  • Campus & Community

    CNN’s Woodruff assesses TV news

    Ever since those horrifying moments when two passenger jetliners smashed into the World Trade Center towers seven weeks ago, Americans have been glued to their television sets with a seemingly insatiable appetite for information. And the TV networks have responded with a steady stream of around-the-clock coverage that has usurped the traditional formats and time…

  • Campus & Community

    Plaque honors Radcliffe women who died in WWI

    A plaque bearing the names of three Radcliffe women who died for their country in World War I will be unveiled at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, in Harvards war memorial, the Memorial Church. The Harvard community is invited to attend the ceremony.

  • Campus & Community

    Buying time for medical scholars

    Pu Zhang arrived in the United States from China in 1993, trained as a physician but unable to speak English fluently.