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  • Campus & Community

    Police reports

    Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the weeks beginning Nov. 16 and ending Nov. 29. The official log is located at 1033 Massachusetts Ave., sixth floor.

  • Campus & Community

    This month in Harvard history

    December 1832 – In his Cambridge home, German-born Charles Theodore Christian Follen, Professor of the German Language and Literature (1830-35), introduces the Christmas tree to the United States. The “Harvard…

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty Council meeting Nov. 26

    At its fourth meeting of the year, the Faculty Council voted to endorse the proposed Summer School Courses for 2004. The council also continued its discussion of space planning opportunities in Cambridge and Allston.

  • Campus & Community

    Dunlop memorial service set

    A memorial service for John T. Dunlop, Lamont University Professor Emeritus, will be held Dec. 12 at 3 p.m. in the Memorial Church. A reception will follow in the Faculty Room, University Hall. Please enter through the north entrance.

  • Campus & Community

    Exterior decorator

    Rick McGregor, a Forestry Department employee for the city of Cambridge, makes sure a wreath looks just so on its lamppost in front of Lehman Hall as the holiday season kicks off in earnest.

  • Campus & Community

    Sexual assault reported near Harvard Square

    The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) reported a sexual assault at the intersection of Bow and Arrow streets on Tuesday (Dec. 2) at 10 p.m. The report states that a woman walking alone was struck from behind by a blunt object, knocked to the ground, and sexually assaulted. The suspect is described as a white male…

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard snags six Rhodes

    Five Harvard students and one recent alumnus have been selected for 2004 Rhodes Scholarships, more than from any other school.

  • Campus & Community

    Cerebral silhouette

    Against a backdrop of afternoon sun, GSE doctoral student Kathleen Moran

  • Campus & Community

    Surgery done on a single cell

    A superprecise scalpel that can be used to operate on an individual cell is now a reality thanks to experimenters at Harvard University. “Ultrashort laser pulses [up to 1,000 a…

  • Campus & Community

    Scientists show how fish save energy by swimming in schools

    Researchers at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have provided new insights into the hydrodynamic benefits fish reap by swimming in schools. “The annual upstream voyage of fish…

  • Health

    Dramatic gains shown with moderate weight loss, exercise

    A study of 35 obese people included three groups of volunteers; all were obese and had a body mass index above 30 kg/m2 and had insulin resistance. The first group…

  • Health

    Researchers find way to block SARS virus from entering cells and spreading infection

    SARS – severe acute respiratory syndrome – is a viral respiratory illness caused by coronavirus, a family of viruses also implicated in the common cold. SARS is a distinct form…

  • Health

    Strategies to help AIDS patients take medicines are cost effective

    The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection depends on how well patients adhere to complicated drug regimens. Researchers found that among patients with lower levels of adherence to their…

  • Campus & Community

    Museum oasis

    After an exhausting, if exciting, tour of Roman busts and Indian painting at the Sackler, a thrilling, if wearying, rendezvous with the Renaissance at the Fogg, and a provocative and stimulating, albeit enervating and challenging, flirtation with German Expressionism at the Busch-Reisinger, you need a place to sit and down some coffee or tea and…

  • Campus & Community

    Behind the scenes at the Science Center

    In the prep room behind the blackboards of the Science Centers five lecture halls, excitement crackles in the air as 11 oclock approaches. Members of the media services and lecture demonstrations staffs stand at the ready with computers, buckets of soapy water, a bicycle wheel, and a bed of nails. As the top of the…

  • Campus & Community

    Grandparenting is the reason for longevity

    Grandparents, hug your grandchildren. They just may be the reason youre here.

  • Campus & Community


    Austin applauded for leadership Eliot I. Snider and Family Professor of Business Administration James E. Austin has received a faculty pioneer award from the Aspen Institute and World Resources Institute…

  • Campus & Community

    Played out

    Heading into halftime down just 15 points this past Saturday (Nov.15) against a sharp Penn squad, the Harvard football team could have considered itself the luckiest team in all of football. Later in the fourth quarter, down eight points and threatening to score and possibly tie the game in the closing moments, the Crimson appeared…

  • Campus & Community

    Phillips Brooks House to launch holiday gift drive

    Phillips Brooks House (PBH) will launch its annual holiday gift drive on Dec. 1. Organizers hope to collect over 1,000 gifts for children in Boston and Cambridge, many of whose parents are impoverished, homeless, or incarcerated.

  • Campus & Community

    Flour shower

    Harvard Band manager Dave Nierenberg 04 was showered with flour after showering his fellow band members with real flowers, as is the tradition at the Penn game. Harvard lost, 32-24. (Staff photo Rose Lincoln/Harvard News Office)

  • Campus & Community

    Personal pain, national character

    To Arthur Kleinman, suffering lifts a veil on society.

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard Square Homeless Shelter offers refuge

    As she reflects on her years at Harvard, the moments that will be foremost on senior Alethea Murrays mind are those spent helping the homeless.

  • Campus & Community

    Police reports

    Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department for the week ending Nov. 15. The official log is located at 1033 Massachusetts Ave., sixth floor.

  • Campus & Community

    President as professor

    A guest expert with real-world experience can enliven any college class, from physics to literature.

  • Campus & Community

    Documentary auteur

    Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris visited the Harvard Film Archive for a benefit screening of his newest film The Fog of War, a look at Robert S. McNamara, who served as secretary of defense during the Vietnam War and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Morris confesses during the Q&A session, One of my greatest fears is to…

  • Campus & Community

    Study: Drugs are effective against eye disease

    New hope may be on the horizon for some people with the wet form of macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease in which abnormal blood vessel growth causes loss of vision. Results of two large international clinical trials have shown positive results using Macugen, an experimental treatment that targets these abnormal blood vessels. The results,…

  • Campus & Community

    Directory lists community outreach programs

    When Eric Dawson started Peace Games as a Harvard undergraduate in 1992, his aim was to prevent violence by equipping children with the skills they needed to resolve conflict. Since that time Harvard student volunteers have taught conflict resolution each year in Cambridge and Boston public schools.

  • Campus & Community

    Syncretic miracles

    In the 1920s, a young bandleader named Duke Ellington galvanized audiences at Harlems Cotton Club with infectiously rhythmic dance tunes that came to be known as jungle music because of their supposed resemblance to the music of Africa.

  • Campus & Community

    Talking science and religion

    Prior to the beginning of the first of the Tanner Lectures on Human Values, The Science of Religion and the Religion of Science, President Lawrence H. Summers (from left) speaks with Keith DeRose, professor of philosophy at Yale University Tanner lecturer Richard Dawkins, the Charles Simonyi Chair in the Understanding of Science at Oxford University…

  • Campus & Community

    New policy changes Early Application status

    A significant change in policy has predictably decreased the number of students applying to Harvard College under its nonbinding Early Action program by almost 50 percent compared with last year. The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid estimates just under 4,000 students will apply Early Action for admission to the class of 2008, compared with…