Tag: Outbreak

  • Arts & Culture

    Why so many of us are watching films like ‘Outbreak’

    A Harvard expert in ethics and public policy talks about what pop culture says about pandemics, and our reactions to them.

    8 minutes
    Dustin Hoffman and Cuba Gooding Jr. in "Outbreak."
  • Health

    As measles cases crack 1,000, a look at what to do

    Harvard public health and public safety experts recommended public education, elimination of nonmedical vaccination exemptions for schoolkids, and potentially more severe penalties as a way to get parents to comply with measles vaccination guidelines.

    19 minutes
    Juliette Kayyem and Barry Bloom.
  • Health

    Sequencing Ebola’s secrets

    A global team from Harvard University, the Broad Institute, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and other institutions sequenced more than 200 additional Ebola samples to capture the fullest picture yet of how the virus is transmitted and changes over a long-term outbreak.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Behind the measles outbreak

    Researchers have found that measles vaccine coverage among the exposed populations is far below that necessary to keep the virus in check. The study is the first to positively link measles vaccination rates and the ongoing outbreak.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Sick with measles, again

    Dyann Wirth, chair of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, discusses what’s behind the resurgence of measles in the United States.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    Fewer clinics, less care

    The protective gear needed to get Sierra Leone’s health clinics reopened, coupled with public education about the Ebola epidemic, are the greatest areas of need, according to a Harvard Fulbright Fellow and physician from Sierra Leone.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    New views on deadly diseases

    Harvard researchers are challenging the popular portrayal of Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers. In a new paper in Science, researchers present evidence that the diseases may be more common — and much older — than previously thought.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    A plan to stop cholera’s spread

    HMS Professor John Mekalanos, an expert on cholera, suggested Oct. 22 that relief workers and peacekeepers from cholera-endemic countries be treated with antibiotics before serving in cholera-free countries, as a way to avoid a repeat of the post-earthquake cholera epidemic in Haiti, which has killed thousands.

    4 minutes