Tag: Harvard-Yenching Library
Campus & Community
The Harvard-Yenching Library, by the numbers
With 1.4 million volumes in more than a dozen languages, the Harvard-Yenching Library is the largest academic library for East Asian studies in the Western world.
Arts & Culture
Along China’s keys
On view at Loeb Music Library through Dec. 18, “One Hundred Years of Chinese Piano Music” sheds light on a robust tradition of song influenced by native folklore, poems, and philosophy, as well as Western compositional techniques.
Arts & Culture
Testament to Manchukuo
A growing Harvard collection documents life and propaganda in the controversial, short-lived Asian state of Manchukuo.
Science & Tech
The surprising origins of Europeans
Geneticists David Reich and Nick Patterson detailed recent work on human migrations that led to the populations of today’s Europe.
Nation & World
Echoes of Tiananmen Square
In her freshman seminar, lecturer Rowena He sheds light on the Chinese government’s 1989 crackdown on dissent by melding the personal with the academic.
Arts & Culture
Snapshots of China
Art historian Claire Roberts, a Radcliffe Institute fellow, discusses photography in China, and how it was used for varied goals over time.