Tag: Clinical Trial

  • Health

    Hot yoga potent antidepressant in study

    In a randomized controlled clinical trial, heated yoga sessions led to reduced depressive symptoms in adults with moderate-to-severe depression.

    3 minutes
    Woman unrolling mat.
  • Health

    Gene therapy was a ‘last shot’

    Three years after undergoing gene therapy at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center to treat a life-threatening immune disorder, an Ohio college student is no longer thinking about his own “last shot” for health, but rather about medical school and “giving back.”

    13 minutes
    Brenden Whittaker and David Williams
  • Health

    A major test for dietary supplements

    Medical School professor and VITAL lead researcher JoAnn Manson details results from a large probe of vitamin D and omega-3 as possible disease fighters.

    7 minutes
    JoAnn Manson .
  • Health

    We’re in the dark on dietary supplements. She’s working to change that.

    A Harvard epidemiologist is working on two trials aimed at providing some clarity on the effects of dietary supplements.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    The changes in drug research, testing

    In December, Congress passed a bipartisan law to boost federal medical research spending and to ease the approval of new drugs. In a panel discussion, experts at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health talked about its pros and cons, including whether it will be funded, and whether the relaxed drug approval guidelines are…

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Improving cord blood transplants

    They began with a discovery in zebrafish in 2007, and now researchers at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) have published initial results of a Phase Ib human clinical trial of a therapeutic that could improve the success of blood stem cell transplantation. This marks the first time that HSCI has carried a discovery from…

    7 minutes
  • Health

    Experimental drug improves Cushing’s disease

    A new investigational drug significantly reduced urinary cortisol levels and improved symptoms of Cushing’s disease in the largest clinical study of this endocrine disorder ever conducted.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    The debate over mammograms

    The debate over whether routine mammogram screenings are useful diagnostic tools or potentially ineffective and wasteful was the issue of a Harvard School of Public Health forum on March 8.

    6 minutes
  • Health

    New drug extends life of melanoma patients

    A therapy that multiplies the effect of a natural disease-fighting antibody has extended the lives of patients with metastatic melanoma in a large, international clinical trial.

    4 minutes