Tag: Jane Unrue

  • Nation & World

    From Kyiv to Harvard and back

    Harvard Scholars at Risk program allows physicians to continue their education during wartime.

    7 minutes
    Ali Dzhemiliev.
  • Nation & World

    Kimmel steps up for Scholars at Risk

    Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel will be joined by sports analyst Bill Simmons at a Boston fundraiser to support Harvard’s Scholars at Risk program.

    3 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Deep into the past

    Harvard’s traditional Phi Beta Kappa Literary Exercises showcased gifted graduates, gifted teachers, gifted members of the Class of 1965, and a poet and orator who both looked to the past to call up lessons for the future.

    3 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Dateline: Classroom

    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a Nieman Fellow, explains the dangers of his craft, and why he can’t return to Pakistan.

    5 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Aiding scholars at risk

    Harvard issues a call for nominations in an annual quest to offer one-year fellowships to “scholars at risk” who face persecution in their native countries.

    3 minutes
  • Nation & World

    The Living Magazine

    Exiled, censored, and under fire from hostile regimes, international writers make a plea at Harvard for creative freedom.

    8 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Writers at Risk

    A Harvard instructor, concerned about literary artists threatened overseas, proposes Writers at Risk, an academic harbor.

    5 minutes