Tag: Hybrid

  • Science & Tech

    Why are hybrid animals sterile?

    Study of crossbred butterflies suggests multiple genes involved

    3 minutes
    Chinese peacock swallow butterflies.
  • Science & Tech

    A clue to biodiversity?

    An analysis of 20 butterfly genomes found evidence that many butterfly species — including distantly related species — show a surprisingly high amount of gene flow between them, Harvard researchers found.

    5 minutes
    Heliconius xanthocles butterfly illustration with wings spread.
  • Arts & Culture

    Designing outside the box

    A Harvard Graduate School of Design salon on Tuesday will probe the cross-disciplinary approach to creativity and creative solutions to problems.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    How mosquitoes home in

    A team of researchers has identified a key genetic variation that helps mosquitoes “smell” humans. The study could open the door to new strategies to ward off the pests.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    Saving tortoises by a hair

    Five species of giant, long-lived Galapagos tortoises are thought to have gone extinct, but recent DNA analysis shows that some may survive on other islands in the archipelago, according to work by Michael Russello, Harvard Hrdy Fellow in Conservation Biology.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    Vivid details

    A landmark effort to sequence the genome of the butterfly Heliconius melpomene has revealed that it shares genes that control color patterns with two species that closely mimic its appearance — Heliconius timareta and Heliconius elevatus — suggesting that all three exchange genes as a result of occasional hybridization.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Giving hybrids some respect

    Harvard researchers have used genetic analysis to confirm that the Appalachian tiger swallowtail butterfly arose through hybridization of two other species, the Canadian and Eastern tiger swallowtails, highlighting a rare case of speciation through hybridization in animals.

    4 minutes