Tag: Cellphone

  • Health

    Reeling in rising distracted driving deaths

    Crashes caused by distracted drivers are believed to have been the biggest cause of a 14 percent rise in traffic fatalities since 2014. The Harvard Chan School’s Center for Health Communication is mounting an anti-distracted driving campaign this fall to make headway against a problem that has proven resistant to change despite efforts by government,…

    10 minutes
    Cars in traffic
  • Science & Tech

    Why lose the headphone jack?

    Harvard Engineering Professor Woodward Yang discusses Apple’s decision to get rid of the headphone jack.

    9 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Destination: Nearest star

    Harvard Astronomy Department chair Abraham Loeb played an important role in drafting initial plans announced Tuesday for a proposed trip to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri. Loeb talked about the plan and its biggest challenges.

    9 minutes
  • Health

    Hand-held disasters

    Harvard’s Center for Health Communication last week arranged a media briefing at the Massachusetts State House on distracted driving, a problem that takes some 3,000 lives a year in the United States. The Gazette spoke to center director Jay Winsten about the problem.

    10 minutes
  • Health

    A new era in disaster relief

    A report edited by a research scientist from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative highlights the increasingly important role of social media and cellphones in disaster relief.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Your own news platform

    The information revolution seemed to hit another high gear last week in Boston, leaving authorities on information technology pondering the ramifications.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    Texting their way to better health

    A student project seeks to improve maternal and child care in India by using the proliferation of cellphones in rural areas to remind women to visit local clinics.

    4 minutes