Year: 2003

  • Campus & Community

    Genes in conflict:

    Most people think of genes as molecules that make you more or less fit for survival. In healthy people, genomes are seen as well-functioning machines where all the parts work together for a common good.

  • Campus & Community

    Running to help

    Harvard graduate students Gilles Serra (left) and Yuuko Uchikoshi watch as Kevin Carr, a housing coordinator in the Cronkhite Center, runs on a treadmill as part of a relay marathon to benefit the family of the late Scott Sandberg. Sandberg, a building services coordinator at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, died Nov. 29, 2002,…

  • Campus & Community

    Police reports

    Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department for the week ending March 15. The official log is located at 1033 Massachusetts Ave., sixth floor.

  • Campus & Community

    This month in Harvard history

    March 13, 1943 – Harvard’s undergraduate foreign-language requirement expands. Students could previously fulfill the requirement only by demonstrating a reading knowledge of French or German (with knowledge of both recommended).…

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty Council notice for March 19

    At its 12th meeting of the year, Dean William C. Kirby discussed with the Faculty Council the preparations that have been made, or are under consideration, in the Faculty in response to the situation in the Middle East. The assistant dean of the Faculty for Physical Resources, Michael Lichten, and the special assistant to the…

  • Campus & Community

    Lewis to conclude service as College offices unite:

    Harry R. Lewis, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, will conclude his service as dean of Harvard College on June 30. Lewis has served in this position since July 1995. He will remain as a member of the Faculty with the additional title of Harvard College Professor, an honor given to the most dedicated teachers…

  • Campus & Community

    Next step: Daunting task of rebuilding:

    Rebuilding Iraq after Saddam Hussein is defeated will be a job of enormous magnitude and one for which Americans have not been adequately prepared.

  • Campus & Community

    Faculty of Arts and Sciences – Memorial Minute:

    At a meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on February 11, 2003, the following Minute was placed upon the records.

  • Campus & Community

    ‘Hi ya Hialeah!’ :

    On a fundraising trip to southern Florida last week, President Lawrence H. Summers dropped into Hialeah High School, an urban, mostly Latino public school in Miami-Dade County that, until recently, was sending just over half its graduates to college.

  • Campus & Community

    Discovering justice: The (re)trial of Anthony Burns:

    By the time the dignified gent in top hat and coattails strolled forward to greet the crowd, nearly 100 people had packed into the Gutman Conference Center. Good evening, senators, and welcome to the session of the Massachusetts State Legislature.

  • Campus & Community

    HBS receives $32 million from media pioneer

    Frank Batten, a member of the Harvard Business School (HBS) Class of 1952 and a visionary entrepreneur and business leader who built Norfolk, Va.-based Landmark Communications, Inc., into a multimedia enterprise consisting of dozens of newspapers and specialty publications, several television stations, and The Weather Channel, has donated $32 million to the School.

  • Campus & Community

    Center for Public Leadership announces fellowships

    The Center for Public Leadership at the Kennedy School of Government has announced the availability of one doctoral fellowship for the 2003-04 academic year. The fellowship, open to any student in good standing in a Harvard doctoral or advanced-degree program, is designed to provide the successful applicant the opportunity to complete and/or make significant progress…

  • Campus & Community

    Three professors win mentoring awards :

    The Graduate Student Council (GSC) of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) will present the 2003 Everett Mendelsohn Excellence in Mentoring Awards to three Harvard faculty members. This years recipients are Max H. Bazerman, Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration Ann Rowland, assistant professor of English and American Literature and Language and…

  • Campus & Community

    UIS Team wins award for networking:

    The Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) has awarded Harvard University its most prestigious award, the Institutional Excellence in Telecommunications Award. The University was selected in the large-school category this year. The award will be presented to Harvards UIS Network Operations Team for its support of regional high-performance networking.

  • Campus & Community

    Organization fights against trafficking in Nepali girls:

    In 1994, Nepal reported that 1,600 girls had been lured into the sex trade, largely in brothels in nearby India. Maiti Nepal, an organization founded to fight the trafficking of young Nepali girls, estimates the actual figure was 100 times higher.

  • Campus & Community

    In brief

    Mentors sought for Project Success Harvard Medical School faculty members are needed to serve as research advisers/mentors for this summer’s “Project Success: Opening the Door to Biomedical Careers.” A research…

  • Campus & Community

    Hasty connects intellect, spontaneity:

    Professor of Music Christopher Hasty embodies contradiction. A music theorist who specializes in 20th century music, his work is far less concerned with the traditional categories of music theory – the separate studies of harmony, counterpoint, rhythm – than with the fleeting, mysterious, sometimes messy way in which we experience music.

  • Campus & Community

    President Summers and Provost Hyman set office hours

    President Lawrence H. Summers and Provost Steven Hyman will hold office hours for students in their Massachusetts Hall offices from 4 to 5 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) on the following dates:

  • Campus & Community

    This month in Harvard history

    March 9, 1857 – The faculty adopts the recommendation of a joint faculty/Overseers committee that annual examinations of each Class in each subject before an Overseers Visiting Committee be in…

  • Campus & Community

    Lung cancer vaccine under development:

    Medical investigators have begun to see some light at the end of a long tunnel that may lead to a vaccine against lung cancer.

  • Campus & Community

    Yo! Yo!

    The Chinese Yo-yo Club is no humdrum affair. Their spinning, vibrating, flying toy sings a tune to its own colorful movement. The barbell-shaped, hollow instrument is manipulated on a string tied to two sticks, each one held by a player. By spinning the yo-yo fast enough a humming sound is created. Unlike the yo-yos most…

  • Campus & Community

    Prisoners of poverty:

    Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, is in a particularly tough spot right now.

  • Campus & Community

    Public vs. private obligations debated:

    Do government values such as equality and freedom of speech accompany government duties when services are farmed out to private organizations, or should the government leave values out of it and award contracts on the basis of who can do the best job?

  • Campus & Community

    The Morris Dance:

    Dancer/choreographer Mark Morris spoke about his life and career Monday (March 10) as part of the Office for the Arts Learning From Performers program.

  • Campus & Community

    What makes good leadership?

    The Kennedy School of Government took a long look at what constitutes good public leadership last week and began pondering better ways to teach, foster, and promote that quality in its students.

  • Campus & Community

    City leaders, University unite to improve local education:

    Cambridge city employees joined top faculty from Harvards Graduate School of Education (GSE) on Wednesday (March 12) for a daylong professional development session that united town and gown in the common goal of improving education for the citys youth and families.

  • Campus & Community

    Getting our signals crossed:

    In the landscape of dating and relationships, the terrain between no means no and baby, Im yours is expansive and treacherous, marked by the high peaks of gender-role expectations, the shifting sands of personal boundaries, and the boggy quagmires of mixed messages.

  • Campus & Community

    Wall of fame

    Students stroll through a tunnel prettily plastered with performance announcements.

  • Campus & Community

    Kouchner calls for global health care:

    Doctors Without Borders founder Bernard Kouchner issued a call for a new force in global health care last Thursday (March 6) in the form of global health insurance that would ensure access to basic health-care services for the worlds poor.