Tag: Smell

  • Health

    Sniffing out smell

    Researchers describe for the first time how relationships between different odors are encoded in the olfactory cortex, the region of brain responsible for processing smell.

    7 minutes
    Lavender field.
  • Science & Tech

    Now available on the Web? Smells

    Harvard Professor David Edwards and a former engineering student, Rachel Field, added another sense to digital communications, sending a smell across the Atlantic, where a scent generator called an oPhone reproduced it.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    ‘Circuits of sense and sensibility’

    A Harvard biologist succeeds in mapping a neural network for learned olfactory behavior, using a roundworm model to trace the dislike of a particular smell to the reaction that avoids it.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    The nose knows

    Harvard researchers have shed light on how the sense of smell works to induce behavior, linking patterns of electrical spikes in the brain to behavior in laboratory animals.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Smelling the light

    Harvard neurobiologists have created mice that can “smell” light, providing a new tool that could help researchers better understand complex perception systems that do not lend themselves to easy study with traditional methods.

    3 minutes