Tag: Origins of life

  • Science & Tech

    Life’s Frankenstein monster beginnings

    The evolution of the first building blocks on Earth may have been messier than previously thought, likening it to the mishmash creation of Frankenstein’s monster.

    3 minutes
    Frankenstein photo.
  • Science & Tech

    Life, with another ingredient

    In a paper published in PNAS, Jack W. Szostak, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard, along with graduate student Seohyun (Chris) Kim, suggest that RNA could have started with a different set of nucleotide bases. In place of guanine, RNA could have relied on a surrogate, inosine.

    4 minutes
    Jack W. Szostak.
  • Health

    How Earth was watered

    Evidence is mounting that Earth’s water arrived during formation, aboard meteorites and small bodies called “planetesimals.”

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Putting humanity in its place

    Professor Charles Langmuir worked for 10 years on an update of “How to Build a Habitable Planet,” a textbook published in 1985 by famed geoscientist Wallace Broecker.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    The search for life’s stirrings

    As science wrestles with the problem of how life arose on Earth, hindsight shows that seemingly intractable obstacles can have simple, even elegant solutions, said Nobel laureate Jack Szostak.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Earthly extremes hint to life elsewhere

    Scientists are examining single-celled organisms in extreme environments for clues to what life might look like on the myriad planets being discovered in the universe.

    3 minutes