Tag: face transplant

  • Health

    Harvard surgeons perform hand transplant

    Fourteen Harvard surgeons, supported by 36 anesthesiologists, radiologists, nurses, and other medical personnel at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, worked for 12 hours to give a new pair of hands to a 65-year-old Revere man who lost both arms below the elbows and both legs below the knees as a result of a septic infection…

    2 minutes
  • Health

    On the cusp of new transplant era

    With the advent of new techniques and anti-rejection drugs, organ transplantation stands on the threshold of a new era, where once-radical surgeries such as face transplants will seem routine, says Bohdan Pomahac, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital surgeon and Harvard Medical School professor who led recent face transplant surgeries.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    New face for chimp-attack victim

    A Connecticut woman who was badly disfigured when she was mauled by a pet chimpanzee in 2009 received a full face transplant during surgery at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    First U.S. full face transplant patient

    Dallas Wiens, who in March became the first person in the United States to receive a full face transplant, described the simple joys of holding his daughter, Scarlette, and smelling lasagna again as he prepared to leave Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital Monday (May 9) for his Texas home.

    4 minutes