Tag: Embryo

  • Science & Tech

    How cells sort themselves

    Researchers have discovered a key control mechanism that cells use to self-organize in early embryonic development.

    8 minutes
    Spinal cord development.
  • Health

    Updating embryo research guidelines

    Scientists and ethicists gathered at Harvard Law School to discuss the ethics of human embryo experimentation and whether a two-week developmental time limit on their use is appropriate any longer.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    New view of germ cells

    Cassandra Extavour is the author of a new study that points to a different mechanism as an ancestral process for specifying germ cells.

    6 minutes
  • Health

    The divergent skull

    New work by Harvard scientists challenges long-standing ideas on skull development in vertebrates.

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  • Health

    ‘On’ switches for cells

    Scientists at Harvard have identified a previously unknown embryonic signal, dubbed Toddler, that instructs cells to move and reorganize themselves, through a process known as gastrulation, into three layers.

    3 minutes
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    Turing was right

    Researchers at Harvard have shown that Nodal and Lefty — two proteins linked to the regulation of asymmetry in vertebrates and the development of precursor cells for internal organs — fit a mathematical model first described by Alan Turing six decades ago.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Stem cell lessons

    Five years after first gaining institutional permission to attempt to produce stem cell lines via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), two Harvard researchers and a former Harvard postdoctoral fellow have closed the loop with a flurry of new studies and a commentary in several leading journals.

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