Tag: Disparities

  • Health

    Drop in cancer deaths lifts U.S. life expectancy

    A decline in cancer mortality was a prominent feature of recent good news about U.S. life expectancy. The Gazette spoke with the director of the Chan School’s Zhu Family Center for Global Cancer Prevention to understand why.

    11 minutes
    Timothy Rebbeck, who heads up Chan School's Center for Global Cancer Prevention.
  • Work & Economy

    Racial and economic disparities intertwined, study finds

    While African-Americans have moved to higher ranks on the income distribution scale in the decades since the Civil Rights Movement, those improvements have largely been blunted by rapid income growth for the richest members of society and income stagnation among lower- and middle-income families.

    5 minutes
    Robert Manduca
  • Health

    Health care disparities for disabled

    Two decades after the Americans with Disabilities Act went into effect, people with disabilities continue to face difficulties meeting major social needs, including obtaining appropriate access to health care facilities and services.

    5 minutes