Tag: Charles Czeisler

  • Health

    Siren call of daylight saving must be resisted, scientists say

    Research, experience point to cancer link and other risks, suggesting standard time would be better year-round choice.

    6 minutes
    Illustration of person considering different clocks.
  • Health

    Shorter shifts lead to better-rested doctors

    In a multiyear randomized clinical trial, investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that senior resident physicians who work no more than 16 consecutive hours get an average of 8 percent more sleep than those who work extended-duration shifts of 24 hours or more.

    3 minutes
    Medical resident sleeping on hospital ward
  • Health

    Countering college’s culture of sleeplessness

    Harvard’s Class of 2022 will have taken ‘Sleep 101,’ an online module on sleep health, before they even hit campus on Aug. 27.

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  • Health

    Probing sleep’s drowsy mystery

    Harvard researchers have worked for years to understand better the familiar mystery of sleep, highlighting not only what happens when we close our eyes, but also the effects on us when we don’t.

    9 minutes
  • Health

    Bleary America needs some shut-eye

    Cranky, sleep-deprived America got some advice from experts at a Harvard School of Public Health Forum: Get some rest, and reap the health and productivity benefits shown in numerous scientific studies.

    6 minutes