Tag: Bruce Walker

  • Health

    A ‘call to duty’ to battle a deadly global threat

    Boston-area researchers are collaborating as part of an international partnership working on a response to the new coronavirus.

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    Lab with researcher doing test.
  • Science & Tech

    A shot in the arm for vaccine research

    Immunology research at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard has advanced an HIV vaccine into the clinic, and will diversify thanks to a major gift from Phillip T. and Susan M. Ragon.

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    Group of students
  • Health

    Bringing global health home

    The world is smaller than ever when it comes to infectious disease, a fact that means people have more at stake than ever before in each other’s health, speakers said at a symposium marking the fifth anniversary of the Harvard Global Health Institute.

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  • Health

    Plotting the demise of AIDS

    Hundreds of scientists, activists, doctors, and others who have been on the front lines battling the HIV virus, gathered on Harvard’s Longwood campus for a conference reflecting on progress against the ailment, while rededicating themselves to end the epidemic.

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  • Health

    Protein that helps battle HIV

    Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard find that elevated levels of p21, a protein best known as a cancer fighter, may be involved in the immune system’s ability to control HIV infection.

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  • Health

    AIDS research symposium details advances

    Harvard AIDS researchers detailed recent advances in the fight against the ongoing global pandemic, including new vaccine strategies, insights into the disease’s progression in the world’s hardest-hit regions, and new knowledge about the body’s immune response against infection.

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  • Health

    Search for new tuberculosis drugs outlined

    A new drug candidate that attacks the cell walls of tuberculosis bacteria offers a promising alternative in the fight against a disease that has been resurgent in the global age of AIDS, according to findings highlighted by a key researcher Friday (June 12) at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.

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  • Campus & Community



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  • Health

    HMS/MGH’s Bruce Walker presents update on vaccine progress

    Bruce Walker recalls sitting across from a person long-infected with HIV who never took antiretroviral drugs and never developed AIDS. Walker remembers thinking that the person’s body held a secret of which even they were unaware: how to stop the global AIDS pandemic.

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  • Nation & World

    Fighting AIDS now and in the future

    In the heart of the South African AIDS epidemic, at a medical school named for the nation’s legendary anti-apartheid leader, a fight against a different sort of oppression is being waged.

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  • Health

    Web technology allows health experts from around globe to kibitz

    It was close to midnight one day this week in Durban, South Africa, when Harvard AIDS researcher Bruce D. Walker switched on his computer and made a visit to 104 Mt. Auburn St. in Cambridge.

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  • Health

    Second pathway behind HIV-associated immune system dysfunction is discovered

    Researchers at the Partners AIDS Research Center (PARC) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) may have discovered a second molecular “switch” responsible for turning off the immune system’s response against HIV. Last year, members of the same team identified a molecule called PD-1 that suppresses the activity of HIV-specific CD8 T cells that should destroy virus-infected…

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