Tag: BMI

  • Health

    Vitamin D benefits linked to body weight

    Researchers have found a correlation between vitamin D’s positive health outcomes and a person’s body mass index (BMI).

    5 minutes
    Vitamin D capsule against blue sky with sunshine.
  • Health

    How unjust police killings damage the mental health of Black Americans

    Harvard Chan’s David Williams, whose research looks at how discrimination affects Black people’s health, talks about his pioneering work to assess the toll that police killings are having on Black mental health.

    12 minutes
    David R. Williams.
  • Health

    Troubling predictions

    Researchers predict a marked rise in American adults with obesity or severe obesity in 10 years, leaving several states with obesity prevalence close to 60 percent.

    2 minutes
    Overweight woman using scales indoors.
  • Health

    Expert advice for reducing obesity: Take the blame out of it

    Fatima Cody Stanford, a leading expert on obesity, is exploring the impact of behavioral and environmental factors in the complex processes of weight regulation.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Year born may determine obesity risk

    Framingham Heart Study, PNAS Early Edition, Harvard Medical School Investigators working to unravel the impact of genetics versus environment on traits such as obesity may also need to consider a new factor: when individuals were born.

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  • Health

    Genetic link between fried foods and obesity?

    Harvard researchers have released the first study to show that the adverse effects of fried foods may vary depending on the genetic makeup of the individual.

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  • Health

    How much exercise is enough?

    “We found that adding low amounts of physical activity to one’s daily routine, such as 75 minutes of brisk walking per week, was associated with increased longevity: a gain of 1.8 years of life expectancy after age 40, compared with doing no such activity,” explained Harvard Medical School Professor of Medicine I-Min Lee.

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  • Health

    Tax on sugary drinks?

    The global obesity epidemic has been escalating for decades, yet long-term prevention efforts have barely begun and are inadequate, according to a new paper from international public health experts published in the Aug. 25 issue of the journal The Lancet.

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  • Health

    Obesity rate will reach at least 42%

    Researchers at Harvard University say America’s obesity epidemic won’t plateau until at least 42 percent of adults are obese, an estimate derived by applying mathematical modeling to 40 years of Framingham Heart Study data.

    3 minutes