Tag: authenticity

  • Nation & World

    Key to doing your best at work? Be yourself (no, really)

    Being true to yourself at work, not trying to fit in, is key to personal success and an essential “first step” for corporate diversity, HBS professors say.

    8 minutes
    Prof. Francesca Gino.
  • Nation & World

    Think different, maybe

    New research from Harvard Business School Professor Francesca Gino suggests that by supporting “constructive nonconformity” at work, organizations can improve employee engagement.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Papyrus fragment put to test

    A wide range of scientific testing indicates that a papyrus fragment containing the words “Jesus said to them, my wife” is an ancient document, dating between the sixth to ninth centuries C.E. Its contents may originally have been composed as early as the second to fourth centuries.

    4 minutes