Tag: Anesthesia

  • Health

    The brain on ketamine

    It’s a powerful antidepressant, but science needs more answers on out-of-body experiences and other “dissociative effects,” says the first author Fangyun Tian.

    5 minutes
    Fangyun Tian.
  • Health

    Spotting speedy brain activity

    Using ultra-fast MRI scans, scientists are able to track rapid oscillations in brain activity that previously would have gone undetected, a development that could open the door to understanding fast-occurring cognitive processes that once appeared off-limits to scientists.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    In lost toes, a stirring Shackleton subplot

    New research highlights the skill and poise of doctors who tended to stranded crewmen in the famed Shackleton saga.

    4 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    Brown named to National Academy of Engineering

    Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital Professor Emery N. Brown, who also holds appointments at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was named to the National Academy of Engineering in early February.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Alzheimer’s-like changes in the brain

    A study by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital indicates that the inhaled anesthetic isoflurane impairs learning and memory in mammalian brains by damaging mitochondria, a finding that suggests the anesthetic desflurane may be a better choice for Alzheimer’s patients and others susceptible to cognitive dysfunction.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Pain relief for patients in Uganda

    A collaboration between anesthesiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital and overworked doctors at an African hospital provides training in a technique that can soothe patients during surgical recoveries.

    4 minutes