Tag: American Journal of Public Health

  • Health

    Benefits of work-life balance extend to heart health, study suggests

    Intervention benefits older, lower-wage workers at higher risk, novel Chan School study finds

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    Work balance offers heart health.
  • Health

    Inadequate hydration can lead to impaired cognitive, emotional function

    Drinking enough water is essential for physiological processes such as circulation, metabolism, temperature regulation, and waste removal. More than half of all children and adolescents in the United States are under-hydrated — probably because they’re not drinking enough water, according to the first national study of its kind from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of…

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  • Health

    Color-coded labels, healthier food

    Using color-coded labels to mark healthier foods and then displaying them more prominently appears to have prompted customers to make more healthful long-term dining choices in their large hospital cafeteria, according to a report from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital

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  • Health

    Enlightened eating

    Color-coded food labeling and adjusting the way food items are positioned in display cases encouraged healthy choices in a large hospital cafeteria in a study by MGH researchers.

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  • Health

    Helping Chinese with depression

    A treatment model designed to accommodate the beliefs and concerns of Chinese immigrants appears to significantly improve the recognition and treatment of major depression in this typically underserved group.

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