Nieman Foundation administers second Taylor Award:
Boston Globe Spotlight Team wins for clergy sex abuse stories
The Boston Globe Spotlight Team, which covered the sexual-abuse scandal in the Catholic Church and made an outstanding effort to examine charges and accusations from all sides and sources, is the winner of the second annual Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers. The award, endowed by the former publisher of the Boston Globe and the Taylor family, and administered by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, carries a $10,000 prize.
“Day after day after day, the Globe met the standards of fairness in examining a sensitive subject and a much-revered institution that news organizations often tiptoe around,” the Taylor Award judges said.
The judges also recognized two finalists: The Plain-Dealer of Cleveland for a series that unflinchingly examined the life of Michael Green, who was released from prison after serving 13 years for a rape he didn’t commit, and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for its coverage of chronic wasting disease in deer, the risk to the deer population, and its impact on hunting and its potential impact on Wisconsin’s dairy cows.
The winner and finalists will be recognized at a dinner and panel discussion on April 17 at the Harvard Faculty Club.