Tag: worms

  • Science & Tech

    How does infection change social behavior?

    A new study illuminates the way pathogens — and pheromones — alter social behavior in animals.

    4 minutes
    Taihong Wu (from left), Minghai Ge, and Professor Yun Zhang.
  • Science & Tech

    The genetics of regeneration

    Led by Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Mansi Srivastava, a team of researchers is shedding new light on how animals perform whole-body regeneration, and uncovering a number of DNA switches that appear to control genes used in the process.

    7 minutes
    Three-banded panther worms.
  • Health

    Watching sensory information translate into behavior

    A state-of-the-art microscope built by Harvard researchers will allow scientists to capture 3-D images of all the neural activity in the brains of tiny, transparent C. elegans worms as they crawl.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Linking insulin to learning

    Work led by Yun Zhang, associate professor of organismic and evolutionary biology, shows how the pathway of insulin and insulinlike peptides plays a critical role in helping to regulate learning and memory.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Controlling behavior, remotely

    Researchers have been able to take control of tiny, transparent worms by manipulating neurons in their brains, using precisely targeted pulses of laser light.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Following the worm

    Harvard research examining the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans — tiny, transparent worms — suggest a path for investigations that may shed light on disorders such as schizophrenia.

    4 minutes