Tag: World War II
Campus & Community
Harvard welcomes back ROTC
Harvard University announced on Thursday (March 3) that it will formally welcome the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) program back to campus, following the decision by Congress in December to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law regarding military service.
Arts & Culture
Brazil’s public intellectual
Nicolau Sevcenko, now a professor of Romance languages and literatures at Harvard, reflects on the long journey that brought him here.
Campus & Community
Hard look at harsh times
History professor Caroline Elkins, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her book outlining British colonial abuses during Kenya’s Mau Mau uprising, is working to build ties with Kenyan institutions.
Nation & World
Passionate advocate of human rights
Canadian Supreme Court judge, child of Holocaust survivors, argues passionately that nations should value human rights over simple laws, and that the United Nations should step up.
Arts & Culture
Pass the popcorn
Movie night at the Schlesinger Library uses lesser-known films to cast a cinematic light on women’s issues.
Arts & Culture
A tale of two continents
English professor Elisa New found her great-grandfather’s cane, and that spawned a twisting journey to find her family history, now relayed in a book.
Campus & Community
Janitor’s granddaughter fulfills Harvard dream
Harvard is in my blood, though not in the traditional sense. I was born and brought up in Cambridge, Mass., as were my mother and her siblings. My grandparents struggled to raise seven children during tough financial times, and a college education was not an option.
Campus & Community
Nussbaum dies at 81
Retired Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Alexander Leopold Nussbaum of Newton, Mass., died June 22, 2007. He was 81.
Campus & Community
Personal glimpses into Harvard history
Since its founding in 1636, Harvard has moved through many great historical dramas. History as a listing of events — as chronicle — has its uses, but often more insight is gained through personal accounts. Great events and small can often be better understood in the light of private recollections.
Arts & Culture
‘By force of thought’
To say that János Kornai has led an interesting life would be an understatement.
Arts & Culture
A new look at the ‘Good War’
World War II has been called “The Good War,” often in contrast to later conflicts whose moral justification is seen as more ambivalent. But how did the Good War become good, and what aspects of it had to be suppressed to qualify it for that title? Three scholars attempted to answer that question at a…