Tag: White

  • Health

    How unjust police killings damage the mental health of Black Americans

    Harvard Chan’s David Williams, whose research looks at how discrimination affects Black people’s health, talks about his pioneering work to assess the toll that police killings are having on Black mental health.

    12 minutes
    David R. Williams.
  • Nation & World

    Racism, far before slavery

    At a Harvard Lecture, Wellesley College Professor Cord J. Whitaker discusses Black history beyond beyond chattel slavery in the Americas.

    4 minutes
    Cord J. Whitaker.
  • Work & Economy

    Racial and economic disparities intertwined, study finds

    While African-Americans have moved to higher ranks on the income distribution scale in the decades since the Civil Rights Movement, those improvements have largely been blunted by rapid income growth for the richest members of society and income stagnation among lower- and middle-income families.

    5 minutes
    Robert Manduca
  • Nation & World

    Pushing back

    Deborah Bial, Ed.M.’96, Ed.D.’04, founder of the Posse Foundation, spoke to a Harvard audience about her organization’s efforts to help economically disadvantaged kids prepare for and then succeed in college.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Weighing the risk factors

    Risk factors for childhood obesity may be evident before birth and are more likely to occur in African-American and Hispanic children than in Caucasian children. Researchers studied 1,826 mother-child pairs from pregnancy through the child’s first five years of life.

    4 minutes