Tag: Targeted therapy

  • Health

    Fresh ways to fight cancer

    Cancer patients have new weapons on their side, provided by targeted drug therapy and, more recently, immune therapy. Now, the recent discovery of large numbers of noncoding RNA that are active in disease provides a new opportunity to both understand and fight cancer, according to Pier Paolo Pandolfi, professor at Harvard Medical School and director…

    10 minutes
  • Health

    New plan of attack in cancer fight

    Harvard Professor Martin Nowak and Ivana Bozic, a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics, show that, under certain conditions, using two drugs in a “targeted therapy” — a treatment approach designed to interrupt cancer’s ability to grow and spread — could effectively cure nearly all cancers.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Transforming cancer treatment

    Professor Martin Nowak is one of several co-authors of a paper, published in Nature on June 28,that outlines a new approach to cancer treatment that could make many cancers manageable, if not curable, by overcoming resistance to certain drug treatments.

    5 minutes