Tag: Ronald Ferguson

  • Health

    With COVID spread, ‘racism — not race — is the risk factor’

    Since the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak, public health experts have noted the disproportionate toll on Black and brown Americans. Those groups are at much greater risk of getting infected than white people; they are two to three times likelier to be hospitalized, and twice as likely to die, according to recent estimates from the…

    14 minutes
    Man in mask.
  • Nation & World

    Raising successful kids

    A Q&A with Ronald Ferguson, director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard, about his new book on how to raise successful children based on interviews with highly accomplished young people and their parents.

    11 minutes
    Ronald Ferguson.
  • Nation & World

    The costs of inequality: Education’s the one key that rules them all

    When inequality is baked into public educational systems from kindergarten through the 12th grade, it usually extends through other aspects of life later, Harvard analysts say.

    14 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Ahead of the learning curve

    From the $40 million Hauser gift to support teaching and learning initiatives to the recent announcement of the global online platform edX, Harvard tackled the future of higher education head-on in 2011-12. As the University’s 375th anniversary draws to a close, the Gazette asked some prescient professors: “What’s the one big idea that will transform…

    16 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Changing the world, in under 9 minutes

    The inaugural event “One Harvard: Lectures that Last” featured short talks by a dozen speakers representing Harvard’s graduate and professional Schools. The session was designed to reveal the crosscurrents of innovation that can flow from discipline to discipline, and to expose students to fresh ideas.

    5 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Measuring effective teaching

    Reports of an ongoing study examine the role of classroom observation in helping to determine effective teaching.

    2 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Fresh paths to success

    A dean, a professor, and a former journalist are shaking up education and policy circles with a report that asks: What if not everyone had to go to college to have a good life?

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Changing how teachers improve

    A new initiative headed by a Harvard scholar aims to transform the way teachers improve their performance, and to overhaul the nation’s public schools in the process.

    5 minutes