Tag: Parkinson’s

  • Work & Economy

    Can Amazon remake health care?

    Health policy expert explains Amazon’s nearly $4 billion investment in One Medical and what the marketplace disruptor can, and cannot, do to change the way consumers get their health care.

    9 minutes
    Stethescope and money
  • Science & Tech

    Dissecting the ‘undruggable’

    Researchers at Harvard have designed new, highly selective tools that can add or remove sugars from a protein with no off-target effects, to examine exactly what the sugars are doing and engineer them into new treatments for “undruggable” proteins.

    5 minutes
    Christina Woo in her lab.
  • Health

    Neurons reprogrammed in animals

    Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers have shown that the networks of communication among reprogrammed neurons and their neighbors in the brains of living animals can also be changed, or “rewired.”

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Fixing the way we fix the brain

    With neurodegenerative diseases affecting millions and having the potential to bankrupt the U.S. health care system, Harvard Medical School, seven pharmaceutical companies, and the Massachusetts state government have formed the Massachusetts Neuroscience Consortium. The goal: to offer new collaborative research models.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    Personalized medicine closer to reality

    A consortium of scientists at 20 institutions, led by a principal faculty member at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, has used stem cells to take a major step toward developing personalized medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Slowing neurodegeneration in Huntington’s

    Harvard researchers have found a treatment that increases brain levels of an important regulatory enzyme may slow the loss of brain cells that characterizes Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Importance of stem cell research

    A temporary restraining order that blocked federal funding for certain kinds of stem cell research was viewed by many as a blow to cutting-edge science. In response, President Drew Faust said, “We hope that the temporary injunction will soon be lifted and that Congress will take the steps necessary to ensure that stem cell scientists…

    2 minutes
  • Health

    Alzheimer’s for humans only

    Disorders that result in severe neurological decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are not found in other animals, meaning that humans acquired their predisposition to the disease during recent evolution.

    3 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    Ibuprofen May Help Stave Off Parkinson’s

    Regular use of ibuprofen, a common anti-inflammatory drug, significantly lowers the risk for developing Parkinson’s disease, Harvard researchers report.

    1 minute
  • Campus & Community

    Body’s Own Antioxidant May Slow Parkinson’s Decline, Study Says

    Today’s study “suggests a new approach in slowing down the rate of the disease,” said Schwarzschild, an associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, in an Oct. 9 telephone interview. “People live with Parkinson’s disease for decades. We want to make those decades much more manageable and keep people much more mobile….”

    1 minute