Tag: Naoshige Uchida

  • Science & Tech

    Beyond Pavlov

    Artificial intelligence researchers and neurobiologists share data on how options are sorted in decision-making.

    4 minutes
    Researchers standing on stairwell.
  • Health

    The motivation to move

    Using an unusual decision-making study, Harvard researchers exploring the question of motivation found that rats will perform a task faster or slower depending on the size of the benefit they receive, suggesting they maintain a long-term estimate of whether it’s worthwhile for them to invest the energy.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Tracing the brain’s connections

    A team of researchers is using a genetically modified version of the rabies virus to create the first comprehensive list of inputs that connect directly to dopamine neurons in two regions of the brain.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Clues to addiction

    Harvard scientists have developed the fullest picture yet of how neurons in the brain interact to reinforce behaviors that range from learning to drug use, a finding that could open the door to new treatments for addiction.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    The nose knows

    Harvard researchers have shed light on how the sense of smell works to induce behavior, linking patterns of electrical spikes in the brain to behavior in laboratory animals.

    3 minutes