Tag: Michigan State University

  • Nation & World

    New database tracks data on slaves, slavers, and allies

    A new open-source database called Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade (Enslaved.org), offers a repository of information and stories about those who were enslaved or enslavers, worked in the slave trade, or helped emancipate enslaved people.

    5 minutes
    A Cotton Plantation on the Mississippi
  • Health

    Evolution in real time

    After 26 years of workdays spent watching bacteria multiply, Richard Lenski has learned that evolution doesn’t always occur in steps so slow and steady that change can’t be observed.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    A learning gap is filled with plants

    With classes in plant morphology fading in universities across the country, an Arnold Arboretum short course is seeking to plug the hole, bringing in top botany graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for an intensive, two-week course.

    5 minutes