Tag: Mass General

  • Health

    N.Y. plan to involuntarily treat mentally ill homeless? Not entirely outrageous.

    Katherine Koh, a street psychiatrist at Mass. General Hospital, explains the complicating factors behind New York City’s proposal to involuntarily treat mentally ill homeless people.

    9 minutes
    Mayor Adams at press conference.
  • Health

    Mini-gut reaction

    Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have created miniature, simplified versions of the intestine in vitro to explore how the gut lining and microbiome respond to gluten in both healthy and celiac patients.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Dilemmas of destiny

    As genetic testing and its offspring — personalized medicine — have matured, patients and doctors have become entangled in such issues as how to best share at-risk information, access treatment options, and weigh decisions about threats to the young and unborn. And sometimes these issues mushroom, becoming quandaries for society as a whole.

    9 minutes
  • Health

    Mixed messages

    A comparative analysis found wide disparities in the results of four common measures of hospital-wide mortality rates, with competing methods yielding both higher- and lower-than-expected rates for the same Massachusetts hospitals during the same year.

    5 minutes