Tag: Markets

  • Nation & World

    Positioned against protectionism

    Speaking at Harvard, a top European Union official rejected a return to past protectionist trade policies to shelter struggling European companies during difficult economic times, calling instead for a more open global economy.

    3 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    Roth shares economics Nobel

    Alvin E. Roth, an economist whose research as a member of Harvard Business School and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences improved the design and functioning of markets, has won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. He shares the prize with Lloyd S. Shapley, A.B. ’44, of the University…

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    A plan for better banking

    A team of researchers at Harvard and in London has created a model of bank failure aimed at helping economies avoid crashes. Their work highlights a fundamental dilemma for regulators: Improving the safety of individual banks may make the financial system as a whole more dangerous.

    3 minutes