Tag: Kidney disease

  • Science & Tech

    Human stem cells model the kidney’s filtration barrier

    Researchers say their glomerulus-on-a-chip lined by human stem cell-derived kidney cells could help model patient-specific kidney diseases and guide therapeutic discovery.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    The cellular origin of fibrosis

    Harvard Stem Cell Institute scientists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have found the cellular origin of the tissue scarring caused by organ damage associated with diabetes, lung disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and other conditions.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Researchers find drug that could halt kidney failure

    A drug approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis may also turn out to be the first targeted therapy for one of the most common forms of kidney disease, a condition that almost inevitably leads to kidney failure.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Tapping the body to fight disease

    Researcher Biju Parekkadan is developing devices that employ cell therapy to help people with organ failure.

    6 minutes
  • Health

    Adult kidney stem cells found in fish

    It has long been a given that adult humans — and mammals in general — lack the capacity to grow new nephrons, the kidney’s delicate blood filtering tubules, which has meant that dialysis, and ultimately kidney transplantation, is the only option for the more than 450,000 Americans who have kidney failure.

    3 minutes