Tag: implicit bias

  • Nation & World

    Why disability bias is a particularly stubborn problem

    Tessa Charlesworth, a Department of Psychology postdoc, says social reckoning is needed to deal with implicit disability bias.

    5 minutes
    Tessa Charlesworth,
  • Nation & World

    The fire this time

    As protests continue over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, Lawrence D. Bobo, dean of social science and the W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University, discusses the underlying social and cognitive factors at work in police violence against Black people.

    15 minutes
    Fire burns during protest of police killing of George Floyd outside White House.
  • Health

    What fuels prejudice?

    A postdoctoral fellow working in the lab of Psychology Professor Matt Nock,Brian O’Shea is the lead author of a study that suggests racial tension may stem not from different groups being exposed to each other, but fear of a different sort of exposure — exposure to infectious diseases. The study is described in a July…

    3 minutes
    Brian O'Shea
  • Science & Tech

    How to defend against your own mind

    Harvard psychology chair Mahzarin Banaji is working with a research fellow to launch a new project called “Outsmarting Human Minds.”

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    When bias hurts profits

    Based on data collected from a French grocery store chain, a new Harvard study has found that minority workers were far less efficient in a handful of important metrics when working with biased managers.

    4 minutes