Tag: Human evolution

  • Science & Tech

    How violence pointed to virtue

    Richard Wrangham’s new book examines the strange relationship between good and evil.

    10 minutes
  • Health

    Narrative of the body, with a nasty twist

    Many modern chronic diseases result from mismatches between how our bodies evolved to be used and how we use them today, Harvard evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman writes in a new book.

    6 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Barbecue’s beginnings

    Steven Raichlen, author of “The Barbecue Bible” and “Planet Barbecue,” discussed on barbecue’s origins among early humans and barbecue customs around the world in a recent Harvard talk.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    The efficient caveman cook

    Harvard researchers say the rise of cooking likely occurred more than 1.9 million years ago and bestowed on human ancestors a gift of time in the form of hours each day not spent eating.

    3 minutes