Tag: Heat

  • Health

    Keep the dog cool

    Science has shown that violence among monkeys, rats, and mice increases when the weather is warm. Now it seems we can add dogs to the list.

    4 minutes
    Angry dog with bared teeth.
  • Science & Tech

    How a zebrafish model may hold a key to biology

    Martin Haesemeyer set out to build an artificial neural network that worked differently than fish’s brains, but what he got was a system that almost perfectly mimicked the zebrafish — and that could be a powerful tool for understanding biology.

    5 minutes
    Researchers looking at zebrafish
  • Science & Tech

    How to feel the heat

    A team of researchers was able to show how sensory neurons in the face detect temperature, and how this information is later passed on to the hindbrain of zebrafish, where it is processed to produce behavior.

    4 minutes
    Martin Haesemeyer, on left, and Florian Engerts
  • Science & Tech

    The complex relationship between heat and ozone

    If emission rates continue unchecked, regions of the United States could experience between three and nine additional days of unhealthy ozone levels each year by 2050, according to a new study from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Harvesting energy from devices

    Heat is a byproduct of nearly all electronic devices, yet most of it goes wasted. In an effort to recapture some of that energy and transform it into electricity, a team of Harvard and University of Sannio researchers have developed computer simulations to control the flow of heat and electrical current independently.

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Dangerous heat

    New research from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that seemingly small changes in summer temperature swings may shorten life expectancy for elderly people with chronic medical conditions, and could result in thousands of additional deaths each year.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Where (tiny) form follows function

    A professor studies how the structure of large proteins influences how we feel heat, examining how the proteins behave and interact with molecules around them.

    5 minutes