Tag: Heat wave

  • Science & Tech

    When future weather outside is frightful — hot, that is

    At the “Future of Cities” event, panelists explained how rising temperatures will impact different economic levels in various parts of world.

    6 minutes
    Hot cities panel.
  • Health

    Viewing climate change as a human health problem

    Renee Salas, an ER doctor and assistant professor of medicine, addressed questions about a new climate and health report from The Lancet.

    9 minutes
    Patients lie under mosquito nets in Dengue ward in Bangladesh.
  • Health

    Heatwave = heat stroke = ER visit

    Bringing climate change into the examining room by discussing links between a warming environment and the everyday health of patients.

    13 minutes
    Renee Salas.
  • Science & Tech

    Red flags rise on global warming and the seas

    The world’s oceans, glaciers, and ice caps are under assault by climate change. The Gazette spoke with former Obama science adviser John Holdren about the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report examining the threat.

    11 minutes
    John Holdren
  • Science & Tech

    Where heat is deadliest

    A new study of heat waves found a strong correlation between excess deaths and poverty, poor housing quality, hypertension, and impervious land cover.

    4 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Dangerous heat

    New research from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that seemingly small changes in summer temperature swings may shorten life expectancy for elderly people with chronic medical conditions, and could result in thousands of additional deaths each year.

    4 minutes